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Be Wily and Enjoy the Progress of Kubuntu 15.10

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    Originally posted by kc1di View Post
    I Installed 15.10 beta yesterday and still trying to find my way around a bit. But so far like what I've seen. Only thing I can't figure out is in dolphin when you right click under create new there no entry for creating a new file folder.
    I also have that problem and the F10 is a way around that. I also find that file activity in Dolphin such as deleting files does not get updated. I have to use F5 for it to happen.

    I am beginning to thing that I should do a re-installation with the latest iso. I am also having difficulties with KDEnlive which got updated to the latest version half way through some video editing which I posted on YouTube. A purge and reinstall did not fix the problems which I will have to resolve after next Sunday.


      Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
      On my second monitor I have an ever changing wallpaper, ie. every 5 minutes. I decided to put the launcher at the top right of this 2nd desktop as shown below in a section of my desktop.


      When I launch it from there, the Application Dashboard is on that monitor.
      nice ,,,will half to try that ,,,but I prefer the launcher to stay on the primary screen (the laptop)as I just use the secondary (VIZIO TV) for media center(kodi)video(netflix) display .

      Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
      I must say that I am taking a little time to get used to it as I had some difficulty locating KSnapshop which had a different description under it. I have now changed the "Show applications as" to "Name only" as this is what I am used to seeing when using the Application Launcher.
      Humm @hear "Name only" was the default ........+ if you type "ks" it (KSnapshot) is displayed with 2 others (or more if you have programs that start with "ks"

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Templates ?

        Originally posted by kc1di View Post
        I Installed 15.10 beta yesterday and still trying to find my way around a bit. But so far like what I've seen. Only thing I can't figure out is in dolphin when you right click under create new there no entry for creating a new file folder.
        Missing/broken /usr/share/templates/ ?
        With W from package: libkonq5-templates -


        Document templates specification:
        Thread: [SOLVED] Dolphin - Trying to create a service menu to create new OOo files:
        Adding my own templates to 'Create New' menu:

        Last edited by LinkBot; Sep 02, 2015, 03:13 AM.
        Try Me !


          I just downloaded the 2 Sept iso and when I selected "Try Kubuntu" followed by (after a long wait) opening Dolphin and then right mouse click to add a folder, it gave no such option.




              maby this is why I have full dolphin rite click menu .

                      [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search libkonq5-templates [/COLOR]
              Sorting... Done 
              Full Text Search... Done 
              [COLOR=#18b218]libkonq5-templates[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu5 all [installed,automatic] [/COLOR]
                data files for the Konqueror libraries 
              vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search kio-extras 
              Sorting... Done 
              Full Text Search... Done 
              [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] [/COLOR]
                Extra functionality for kioslaves. 
              [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-data[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 all [installed] [/COLOR]
                Extra functionality for kioslaves data files. 
              [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-dbg[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                Extra functionality for kioslaves debug files.
              I have been adding all my favorite apps and things so I do not know if it was installed by default or not ,,,,,,,,it would seem not since a most of you are missing it .

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                $ sudo apt install be-more-like-vinny


                  Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                  maby this is why I have full dolphin rite click menu .

                          [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search libkonq5-templates [/COLOR]
                  Sorting... Done 
                  Full Text Search... Done 
                  [COLOR=#18b218]libkonq5-templates[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu5 all [installed,automatic] [/COLOR]
                    data files for the Konqueror libraries 
                  vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search kio-extras 
                  Sorting... Done 
                  Full Text Search... Done 
                  [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] [/COLOR]
                    Extra functionality for kioslaves. 
                  [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-data[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 all [installed] [/COLOR]
                    Extra functionality for kioslaves data files. 
                  [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-dbg[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                    Extra functionality for kioslaves debug files.
                  I have been adding all my favorite apps and things so I do not know if it was installed by default or not ,,,,,,,,it would seem not since a most of you are missing it .

                  I think I have all those as well, I think they are default. I don't know what the differences are between all of us, but I have the Create New entries, but am missing the ark compress/extract service menus.


                    Originally posted by ronw View Post
                    $ sudo apt install be-more-like-vinny
                    That's funny! (Not that Vinny is funny; well, maybe he is. I don't know him personally, so I can't truthfully say.) hehe
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                      I think I have all those as well, I think they are default. I don't know what the differences are between all of us, but I have the Create New entries, but am missing the ark compress/extract service menus.
                      OOPS ,,,,,,,,vinny is funny ,,,,,,,but vinny spoke to soon allthough I do have the all the create new entries , I do not have the ark compress/extract ones either ,,,,just "open with ark" on a compressed file and no options to compress anything

                      all I can say is ,sometimes I get exited and jump the gun a bit

                      sudo apt-get remove --purge vinny && sudo apt-get install vinny vinny-take-a-breath vinny-waitandthink

                      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                      16GB RAM
                      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                        what is with the new naming of network interfaces ,,,,,,,,,,,what usually is wlan0 is now wlp4s0 and eth0 is enp3s0f2 ? WTF ?

                        on a lighter note ,,,,dropbox has dolphin context menus now ,,,,,, "move to dropbox" ,,,,,and in the dropbox DIR "share dropbox link" , "view on" , "view previous versions" and "comment on this file" ..........but no icon in the system tray.........I have not added any extra appindicator packages yet

                        quirks ,,,, every other login or so the volume widget in the system tray dose not show (remove it from system tray settings and readd it and it comes back) and evrey other login or so the leave ,logout reboot shutdown will not work ,,,,,,,some times resulting in being stuck at a blank screen ,,,,,,, ctrl+alt+sysrq SUB will get the reboot.

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                          what is with the new naming of network interfaces ,,,,,,,,,,,what usually is wlan0 is now wlp4s0 and eth0 is enp3s0f2 ? WTF ?


                          "Predictable" does not mean "understandable" or "clear" I guess.

                          Sent from my LG G4


                            Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                            maby this is why I have full dolphin rite click menu .

                                    [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#000000]vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search libkonq5-templates [/COLOR]
                            Sorting... Done 
                            Full Text Search... Done 
                            [COLOR=#18b218]libkonq5-templates[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu5 all [installed,automatic] [/COLOR]
                              data files for the Konqueror libraries 
                            vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~$ apt search kio-extras 
                            Sorting... Done 
                            Full Text Search... Done 
                            [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] [/COLOR]
                              Extra functionality for kioslaves. 
                            [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-data[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily,now 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 all [installed] [/COLOR]
                              Extra functionality for kioslaves data files. 
                            [COLOR=#18b218]kio-extras-dbg[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/wily 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                              Extra functionality for kioslaves debug files.
                            I have been adding all my favorite apps and things so I do not know if it was installed by default or not ,,,,,,,,it would seem not since a most of you are missing it .

                            Thanks Vinny, I had to install two of the four to get the complete list. The extra ones that I had to install were

                            and now Dolphin works as it should. Looks like the developers missed a dependency or two.

                            I must add that I have now a re-installed system using the 2 September iso. I had a lot of trouble doing the install as I got a message that the /home directory had 0Bytes. I thought that an 8GB USB should have been sufficient. So I used a 32GB USB and I didn't get that message.

                            Before the re-install, KSysGuard only showed the Memory and Swap History usage with the other two histories for CPU and Network having no content. After the re-install, it was still the same. So I wasted my time doing the re-install as I was hoping these problems would go away.


                              Originally posted by claydoh View Post

                              "Predictable" does not mean "understandable" or "clear" I guess.

                              Sent from my LG G4
                              I totaly agrey with that statement.

                              and I would add that if one was using several nicks in the first place (and so subject to the "race" for naming assignment) one would be savvy enough to do manual naming .

                              and this did break something for me ,,,,my conkyrc ,,,,,,of course that is a trivial fix ,,,,,but still it caused breakage .

                              I guess I will pass "net.ifnames=0" to the kernel boot line in grub and see what happens.

                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                                Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
                                Thanks Vinny, I had to install two of the four to get the complete list. The extra ones that I had to install were

                                and now Dolphin works as it should. Looks like the developers missed a dependency or two.
                                you are welcome , and glad my ramblings were of some help to someone

                                but do you have the ark compress and extract options in the rite click menu ,,,,,,I do not ,,,,nor dose @claydoh , I think.

                                Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
                                Before the re-install, KSysGuard only showed the Memory and Swap History usage with the other two histories for CPU and Network having no content. After the re-install, it was still the same. So I wasted my time doing the re-install as I was hoping these problems would go away.
                                this is strange ,,,,,,,,my KsysGuard has all 3 working as expected ,,,,,,,install was the standard (advertized on the Kubuntu site) beta1 .iso

                                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                                16GB RAM
                                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

