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Hardy stops during boot after KDM

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    Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

    Originally posted by Bongo5HH

    At least KDE3 still works...
    Yes it does, and it has the special attraction of being able to run my scanner!


      Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

      ok so I installed nvidia-glx-new and ran nvidia-xconfig (with no tags or commands) and now the computer can't load teh nvidia logo (I think you talked about that earlier in the thread dibl)



        Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

        Mmmmmmmm -- I noticed that the KDM in Hardy is not showing the Nvidia logo splash any more -- it's the only Linux I've seen that does that. (It's also still not loading KDE4, btw).

        So the question is, what exactly are you seeing -- no GUI login at all? Or it's there but doesn't log you in? Black screen but your monitor is "on", or black screen with the power light blinking like your monitor is "asleep"?


          Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

          the nvidia logo (on previous installations of Kubuntu including gutsy and hardy) used to show up before KDM.

          Now it tries to display it. I see broken bands of color and then I get a screen showing some of the boot progress (I don't remember the entries). It tries several times and then just stops with a flashing cursor but no prompt.

          It never gets close to KDM



            Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

            mehh -- my Hardy Heron installation seems to be degenerating here day by day -- you'd think this was Alpha software or something ...... . Today, besides KDE4 not booting, in KDE3 glxgears and compiz won't run anymore. Guess it's time to reinstall the Nvidia driver. I think this may have to do with upgrading to KDE 3.5.9.

            @Bongo, I dunno -- it sounds like maybe you need to do the same. The first time I tried the packaged nvidia-glx-new driver on Hardy Heron, it worked great. Then it stopped working great. So I'm going to attempt to follow my own instructions here. Stay tuned ....

            EDIT: So, I followed my instructions and installed the downloaded Nvidia driver -- this is the file named "". It now loads like it did yesterday (you don't see the Nvidia splash), and I get my GUI login prompt. If I choose KDE4, I get to see only the first 3 seconds of that beautiful KDE4 progress graphic -- the hard disk drive only, and then it blacks out and sends me back to the login GUI. If I choose KDE3, all is fine. glxgears is back to working, and so is compiz. So, I dunno .... apparently some HH/KDE4 stuff remains broken.


              Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

              Originally posted by dibl
              -- you'd think this was Alpha software or something ...... .
              You know I'm a little ticked by how much trouble I'm having but it's my own fault... I know how Alpha software is... it's the mix of KDE4 and Hardy that gets me... because I was already tired of the issues with KDE4 when I started playing with hardy... so ignor my complaining I know it's my own fault.


              @Bongo, I dunno -- it sounds like maybe you need to do the same. The first time I tried the packaged nvidia-glx-new driver on Hardy Heron, it worked great. Then it stopped working great. So I'm going to attempt to follow my own instructions here. Stay tuned ....
              I'm gonna watch what you post next carefully. hehehehe if you don't post for a few hours I do have to admit I'm going to get a good giggle.




                Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                No giggles for you, dude -- I'm spinning my Compiz cube in KDE 3.5.9 (and wishing for KDE4 again ...)


                  Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                  Originally posted by dibl

                  EDIT: So, I followed my instructions and installed the downloaded Nvidia driver -- this is the file named "". It now loads like it did yesterday (you don't see the Nvidia splash), and I get my GUI login prompt. If I choose KDE4, I get to see only the first 3 seconds of that beautiful KDE4 progress graphic -- the hard disk drive only. If I choose KDE3, all is fine. glxgears is back to working, and so is compiz. So, I dunno .... apparently some HH/KDE4 stuff remains broken.
                  I think I'm going to resinstall Hardy (right from the Alpha 3 disk this time instead of upgrading from Gutsy) then remove the language-pack-kde-base (which will remove -en with it) and then see if I can fully update it. this should take me late into the evening tonight.



                    Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    No giggles for you, dude -- I'm spinning my Compiz cube in KDE 3.5.9
                    Well at least you're doing something productive. hehehe

                    (and wishing for KDE4 again ...)
                    I suspsect I'll have KDE4 up and running again around 11:30 tonight... of course by 11:30am Saturday I'll have it broken..



                      Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                      Get the Alpha 4 Kev -- you can save that much of the updating.


                      If you get KDE4 running again on it, I may follow your lead. Although, it looks like HH Beta Alpha 5 is due out real soon (today).

                      EDIT: I just looked -- there's no Alpha 5 in their repository yet. I guess it's technically still 22 FEB at Canonical (for about 3 more hours).


                        Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                        Originally posted by dibl
                        Get the Alpha 4 Kev -- you can save that much of the updating.


                        If you get KDE4 running again on it, I may follow your lead. Although, it looks like HH Beta Alpha 5 is due out real soon (today).

                        EDIT: I just looked -- there's no Alpha 5 in their repository yet. I guess it's technically still 22 FEB at Canonical (for about 3 more hours).
                        I forgot Alpha 5 was due today. Good timing!! Especially since I'm busy until late evening. It's about 2:20pm here now.

                        I might keep you around a bit longer, you seem to still have some usefulness left in ya.

                        Oh and ya I meant Alpha 4 when I said Alpha 3... I'm just not that smart.



                          Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                          Originally posted by Bongo5HH

                          I might keep you around a bit longer, you seem to still have some usefulness left in ya.
                          hah -- that depends on who you ask!


                            Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                   Alpha 5 is out


                              Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                              Cool! Thanks for the heads up
                              Asus G1S-X3:
                              Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                                Re: Hardy stops during boot after KDM

                                OK so Hardy Alpha 5 installed, I still had to remove the language pack (why would that not be fixed) and I have KDE 4 installed an running.

                                My second HDD is mounted and I can get to it through "storage" in KDE3 but I can't seem to see it in KDE4.


