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I didn't realize we're a bunch of commies

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    I didn't realize we're a bunch of commies

    I found online that there are actually people who associate Linux with communism. This idea is so ridiculous it doesn't even offend me. I laughed at it. I guess some people are still so paranoid about a commie takeover that they can see communism in just about anything, even a computer operating system.

    Here are some pictures I found. LOL.

    And some people even see it in Apple:
    Kubuntu 22.04 (desktop & laptop), Windows 7 &2K (via VirtualBox on desktop PC)

    Laughable, except some people actually believe it.
    Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
    Always consider Occam's Razor



      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        I think this is probably, just my thoughts, and of little worth.....but if you actually THINK, and LOOK AT, the "text" and the "slickness" of the artwork.....

        I really canNOT imagine this kind of stuff being done at a:

        "Christian/Right Wing/Gun Totin'/keep the women barefoot and pregnant/ cartoon that the lefties create of all those people"

        Note the "crispness" of the words..."if you use Linux you're supporting communism".....notice that it is very "media conscious"... not a "rant" style thing..

        Notice: "This wallpaper released under the Glorious People's Liscence"..... that is just WAAAYYYYY "off in the weeds" for a bunch of bohunks to come up with.

        The fact that there is a "set of images" that address everything from the "generalist" idea of the GPL and the "particular" of inserting the face of Tux...

        This took some large amount of time and. possibly, therefore also, money....

        "Christians" may not "like" Linux.....but they would not have an "obvious target" that they can "get to" ...."from the pulpit"....I mean, think about it,

        people sitting in a "mega church" or even in a "Bible study session"....and having the preacher/group leader....bring up....Linux? :0

        Talk about "off in the weeds"! they are "agin all that abortin' thing.....and gettin' peeepul raght with Gawd!!"....

        Not..... making "anti - Linux" wallpapers.! :0

        No...methinks that this is the work, paid or unpaid(possibly money from "click throughs" or "consulting about useability" .........

        of MS fanbois. (or girls, must be politically correct! ).



          If you actually look at it, you can see why some would think so, with a little nudge from certain places a bit to the other end of the spectrum.

          But the reality is that there are definite "communist" roots, or rather anarchist perhaps, in the narrow scope of software.


            good post claydoh....

            and what is always brushed under the rug by the "armchair" .....anarchists....

            is they OPERATE under the "cover" of a NON-anarchichal system, but...

            And then there is the book, which is a favourite of a certain President:


            to get back to the OP and not steal the thread, I really do think this is probably FUDD.



              Ycheah, apparently if you are kind and don't mind sharing with other members of the human race, yer a commie pinko swine , what really scares me is what if Linux was never born?! Or Apple completely failed, or there was no AMD?! We would be paying 10 grand for an Intel laptop/PC and 1 grand for WinDOHS 9, The Big Brother Edition.

              Edit: I gotta say, Linus looks good/hilarious in that General's get-up, lol.
              Last edited by tek_heretik; Oct 12, 2013, 12:29 PM. Reason: One last brain fart ;)


                This will make you laugh


                Uncovered it by googling for the Christian edition of Ubuntu (knew I'd seen it out there somewhere before... why it's necessary is beyond me).



                  Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                  This will make you laugh


                  Uncovered it by googling for the Christian edition of Ubuntu (knew I'd seen it out there somewhere before... why it's necessary is beyond me).

                  Oh my Lord, no pun intended, lol, the part about being all conflicted over using a program called 'Evolution' is especially funny.
                  Last edited by tek_heretik; Oct 12, 2013, 12:28 PM.


                    And objecting to abort() ? You just couldn't make that kind of stuff up...


                      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                      ... "Christian/Right Wing/Gun Totin'/keep the women barefoot and pregnant/ cartoon that the lefties create of all those people",,,
                      What's Christians got do with hating Linux? I am a Christian and I love Linux. I love the ideology of Open Source.

                      Also Communism is not an evil thing that is portrayed in most western civilisations. People see Communism as what they saw in the old Soviet Union or China or North Korea. They are not proper Communist countries but dictatorships dressed up as Communist. Communism is an ideology where everyone is treated equal and shares everything equally.

                      From Wikipedia
                      Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless,[1][2] and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.[3] This movement, in its Marxist–Leninist interpretations, significantly influenced the history of the 20th century, which saw intense rivalry between the "socialist world" (socialist states ruled by communist parties) and the "Western world" (countries with capitalist economies).[4]
                      Rest of the article is here


                        And another I hate, are the co called Christians who have a bible in one hand and a M16 in the other ready to kill anyone who offends them. They are not Christians just hypocrites.


                          Lol I actually remember READING that post about Evolution! there really are idiots everywhere.

                          We have demonized so MUCH terminology so much in the U.S. that most "Liberals" would probably never know that the Big Bang theory was espoused by..

                          An evil, stoopid, obviously crazy nutso Roman Catholic Priest Monsignor Georges Lemaître

                          In the 1920s and 1930s almost every major cosmologist preferred an eternal steady state Universe,

                          and several complained that the beginning of time implied by the Big Bang imported religious concepts into physics;

                          this objection was later repeated by supporters of the steady state theory.[46]

                          This perception was enhanced by the fact that the originator of the Big Bang theory, Monsignor Georges Lemaître, was a Roman Catholic priest.
                          Curious that the reference to Lemaitre is buried in the bottom of the article.....because of the OBVIOUS religious "overtones" of the theory! lol

                          SO we "could" turn the tables....

                          a true hyperliberal would probably really have a problem "believing" the Big Bang Theory because it is "associated" with a....

                          yeeech Catholic Priest!




                            I was ....joking....



                              Originally posted by NickStone View Post
                              What's Christians got do with hating Linux? I am a Christian and I love Linux. I love the ideology of Open Source.
                              Nothing really, but here's a possible explanation for the stereotype:

                              In the USA, people who identify as Christian are statistically more likely to have conservative political views (not saying because of their christian beliefs, correlation =/= causation and all that). Perhaps the more conservative your political views are, the more likely you are to brand some liberal ideals like free software as being "communist".

                              Sound fair?


