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Congratulations, Kubuntu! 10 years and still running!

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    Congratulations, Kubuntu! 10 years and still running!

    This means KFN has it's tenth birthday this year!!

    Will there be cake
    I want cake!

    When I started with Kubuntu 6.06 LTS, I had no idea that Kubuntu was so NEW! I just found out, reading the article, and this table:
    Not knowing anything about Linux in 2006, I thought Kubuntu had been around and well established. I was told to try it because it had a look-and-feel similar to XP, the OS I was using at the time. And, fact is, for me (on an Intel machine), 6.06 was great. Configuring my HP printer was the only thing that took a little research and tweaking (and now, of course, it's a no-brainer with hplip right there in your face and so well supported).
    Hmmm, interesting. And so I was one of the first users?! Get outa here.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Wow. I started with Edgy Eft. I've been Kubuntu ever since.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Feisty Fawn was my first incursion, and last for a while, due to KDE 4 introduction
        Picked it up again with 10.04 and never looked back.
        Dual booting at the moment with SolydK which, IMHO, gives Kubuntu a real run for its money in terms of stability, looks and easy of updating.


          For a short while I had been using Debian, I got there when making a permanent install off of a Knoppix disk.

          But there were issues with it recognising HW and I read somewhere about this new Ububtu being about as good if not better at it than the venerable Knoppix.

          Because I had been a KDE user since many years, mainly on Red Hat, it was only logic to try Kubuntu.
          At the time it was still one of the official versions of Ubuntu/Canonical.

          And yes, however good it was, at some point you need help and because Kubuntu got snowed under in the Ubuntu forum I came here.


            I kicked off with Breezy Badger and was an instant convert. Congrats to all devs!!

