On 19 March 2012, KFN added Paid Subscriptions as a way for members to contribute funds towards KFNs expenses, including, but not limited to, Domain Name registration fees, Linode server account fees, vBulletin license fees, etc. We had nothing to offer members who stepped up and purchased a Paid Subscription other than our gratitude, heartfelt thanks, and custom usernames and badges identifying them as KFN financial supporters.
Fast forward to 2024. In the ensuing years, and since...
vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite with CMS
Benefits of Paid Subscription Purchases
- Created by: Snowhog
- Published: Feb 24, 2024, 11:19 PM
What has kept KFN relevant for nearly 20 years?
- Created by: Snowhog
- Published: Dec 17, 2023, 02:57 PM
- 1 comment
What has kept KFN relevant for nearly 20 years?
In nineteen months, KFN will have been an actively supported Kubuntu Linux Forum for twenty years. Why?
We aren't the largest Linux (Kubuntu) support forum on the Internet. In fact, we are relatively small, especially if you make the comparison based on 'active' users. That said, we continue to be around; to be supported. Again, why? Three things (IMO).
First is how we treat our members. We acknowledge that every member brings to KFN unique personalities, skills, and talents....Last edited by Snowhog; Apr 14, 2024, 07:11 AM. -
Registering with our Forum
- Created by: Snowhog
- Published: Oct 19, 2021, 08:07 AM
Registering with our Forum
Registration with Kubuntu Forums . Net is a two step process. The second step is to acknowledge the email you are sent by us. However, some users report never receiving this email, so can't complete the registration process. Before you try to register with us, check your Email Filter and make sure that kubuntuforums.net is not listed. If it is, edit the filter and remove it. Otherwise, our emails may be automatically deleted. If your Email Filter doesn't include our email address, check your Spa...Last edited by Snowhog; Dec 27, 2021, 04:07 PM. -
Want to help support KFN financially? Now you can.
- Created by: Snowhog
- Published: Aug 03, 2013, 07:00 PM
Want to help support KFN financially? Now you can.
As of March 19, 2012, members who want to help support KFN financially can do so with a Paid Subscription. This is completely voluntary, and membership in KFN continues to be free. But for those who find KFN to be a resource worth supporting, and want to help, now you can.
When you are logged in, click on your username (top right), then click on User Settings, then on Subscriptions. We have seven subscription levels:
Active Supporter.........($ 12.00 USD per year) ...Last edited by Snowhog; Dec 23, 2021, 01:30 PM. -
What is Kubuntu Forums? Why Should I Join?
- Created by: Snowhog
- Published: Nov 26, 2012, 11:06 PM
What is Kubuntu Forums? Why Should I Join?
What is Kubuntu Forums?
We are, of course, a Kubuntu Linux Support Forum. But we are also much more.
Established 2005-07-17, Kubuntu Forums was the idea made real by our host, Open Source. Little did he know then, that his idea would grow into the active community of Kubuntu Linux enthusiasts it has become. Why was KFN started? Why do people join? Why do they stay? Who are we?
Why was KFN started? Open Source's inaugural post was short, direct, and to the point: ...
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by SnowhogOn 19 March 2012, KFN added Paid Subscriptions as a way for members to contribute funds towards KFNs expenses, including, but not limited to, Domain Name registration fees, Linode server account fees, vBulletin license fees, etc. We had nothing to offer members who stepped up and purchased a Paid Subscription other than our gratitude, heartfelt thanks, and custom usernames and badges identifying them as KFN financial supporters.
Fast forward to 2024. In the ensuing years, and since...-
Channel: The Front Page
Feb 24, 2024, 11:19 PM -
by SnowhogIn nineteen months, KFN will have been an actively supported Kubuntu Linux Forum for twenty years. Why?
We aren't the largest Linux (Kubuntu) support forum on the Internet. In fact, we are relatively small, especially if you make the comparison based on 'active' users. That said, we continue to be around; to be supported. Again, why? Three things (IMO).
First is how we treat our members. We acknowledge that every member brings to KFN unique personalities, skills, and talents....-
Channel: The Front Page
Dec 17, 2023, 03:13 PM -
by SnowhogRegistration with Kubuntu Forums . Net is a two step process. The second step is to acknowledge the email you are sent by us. However, some users report never receiving this email, so can't complete the registration process. Before you try to register with us, check your Email Filter and make sure that kubuntuforums.net is not listed. If it is, edit the filter and remove it. Otherwise, our emails may be automatically deleted. If your Email Filter doesn't include our email address, check your Spa...
Channel: The Front Page
Aug 03, 2014, 03:58 PM -
by SnowhogWhat is Kubuntu Forums?
We are, of course, a Kubuntu Linux Support Forum. But we are also much more.
Established 2005-07-17, Kubuntu Forums was the idea made real by our host, Open Source. Little did he know then, that his idea would grow into the active community of Kubuntu Linux enthusiasts it has become. Why was KFN started? Why do people join? Why do they stay? Who are we?
Why was KFN started? Open Source's inaugural post was short, direct, and to the point: ...-
Channel: The Front Page
Nov 26, 2012, 11:06 PM -
by SnowhogAs of March 19, 2012, members who want to help support KFN financially can do so with a Paid Subscription. This is completely voluntary, and membership in KFN continues to be free. But for those who find KFN to be a resource worth supporting, and want to help, now you can.
When you are logged in, click on your username (top right), then click on User Settings, then on Subscriptions. We have seven subscription levels:
Active Supporter.........($ 12.00 USD per year) ...-
Channel: The Front Page
Mar 22, 2012, 09:22 PM -