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Kppp "error 6"

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    Kppp "error 6"

    Hi all,
    I posted this issue already HERE
    but didn't get any answer, so I try it again.
    I installed KDE in Ubuntu 6.10-64 bit and when I chose "Session KDE" I want to use Kppp to connect to the Internet.
    In Gnome I use GNOME ppp which works very well.
    Here is how I configured kppp and tried to connect to the Internet.

    --> Kstart
    ---> Internet
    ----> KPPP Internet Dial-Up Tool
    KPPP window opens. Click Tab: Configure
    click Tab: Accounts and select: New
    'Create new Account' window opens. Select: Manual Setup
    Enter Connection Name: Provider . In my case "MyProvider"
    Under Phone Number click: Add and enter the phone # to connect to Provider. In my case " Provider's PhoneNumber ".

    To finish configure click: ok
    Select tab: Modems and click: New
    Under Device enter Modem Name.
    In my case " TOPIC SEMICONDUCTOR Corp TP560 "
    " " Modem Device.
    In my case " /dev/ttyS2 "
    " " Connection Speed. In my case " 575600 "

    To finish configure click: ok
    Back to KPPP window. Enter Login ID. In my case " MyUserName "
    Enter Password. In my case " MyPassword "
    Check mark " Show log window "
    click: Connect
    Window 'Connecting to: MyProvider' opens and says: ' Initializing Modem ', and
    'Login Script Debug Window' opens but stays empty.

    After a few seconds both windows --"Connecting to:..." and "Login Script Debug Window" --- close and nothing happens.
    I tried this several times and got an 'error 6' registered in syslog
    root@BitByter:/var/log# tail -f /var/log/syslog

    Nov 26 13:27:45 BitByter kernel: [10429.290784] kppp[8554] : segfault at 00007fff31a01df8 rip 00002b7e7a61cab6 rsp 00007fff31a01de0 error 6

    Nov 26 13:33:04 BitByter kernel: [10613.007390] kppp[8580] : segfault at 00007fff977b9f18 rip 00002b6114864ab6 rsp 00007fff977b9f00 error 6

    Nov 26 13:34:53 BitByter kernel: [10677.375495] kppp[8585] : segfault at 00007fff24e0dfa8 rip 00002b3e8644f9e8 rsp 00007fff24e0df90 error 6

    Nov 26 13:35:27 BitByter kernel: [10699.220910] kppp[8589] : segfault at 00007fffe49c8dd8 rip 00002b10c7655ab6 rsp 00007fffe49c8dc0 error 6
    Nov 26 13:35:56 BitByter kernel: [10719.390353] kppp[8596] : segfault at 00007fffc7edffb8 rip 00002ac6e337d9e8 rsp 00007fffc7edffa0 error 6
    What do I do wrong?
    Thanks in advance for any comment, reply or help!