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Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

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    Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

    Hi, I was wondering whether there is anyone out there that does this? If you do what are you expereinces? I'll probably be using Reason mostly. Any thoughts/comments/experiences welcome positive or negative

    Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

    I suppose it depends on what you consider a "Music" PC...


      Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

      Originally posted by MattBlackLamb
      I'll probably be using Reason mostly.
      What is Reason?


        Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

        Google + "Reason music" = the answer

        Reason seems to be Mac/Windows only. I don't do music sequencing myself but Rosegarden might be worth a look if you're interested in OSS sequencer software. It's in the repos, check out


          Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

          Thanks for taking the time to reply Reason is a Digital Audio Workstation the website is I think. I know they don't seem to support Reason, but is there an application I can down;oad that would support it? Thanks again


            Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

            Thanks. I was looking for "Reason Linux". The actual link is Looks neat, but no Linux.


              Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

              Reason works in Wine, but the performance is really bad due to this bug:

              I'm gonna apply those patches and compile wine, if you want I can send you the deb file of the patched wine once I'm done. From what i read those patches make a big improvement in performance, so it might just be usable in Linux.


                Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

                That would be great Is there a lot of sorts of Linux for doing different jobs? if there is which one is better for editing/making music?


                  Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

                  Well, i applied the patches and compiled Wine, but it didn't help much really. Performance was only slightly better, but there were some really annoying graphic corruptions and it crashed after a few seconds of using it, so Reason isn't an option under Linux yet (It is usable technically, but the performance is horrible). I'm gonna keep an eye out on these patches as theyr'e being worked on, and hopefully Reason will be usable in the near future.


                    Re: Using Linux as the Os for a music Pc

                    Cool hope it works out for you

