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Booting next to WinXP

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    Booting next to WinXP

    Hi there. I am fairly new to Linux and have a boot problem. I have Suse 9.0 installed alongside Windows xp. Grub is the default bootloader, and asks me every time if i want to boot into Windows or Linux. I tried to install Kubuntu but it no longer has a bootloader that sees windows at all. Can I install Kubuntu next to windows and get rid of the Suse installation completely? I know how to get rid of Suse in windows but not how to reconfigure the the MBR. Can anyone help?

    Re: Booting next to WinXP

    if you removed suse, and want to have xp started as default try the following: boot the pc with a bootdisk (made by xp) (format a: /s), when the pc is finished booting you'll get a dosprompt like: a:\ > type there fdisk /mbr this command will overwrite the masterbootrecord and when you reboot your pc wil boot directly to xp. If you install kubuntu afterthat the MBR will be overwritten again and GRUB will be your bootmanager.

