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Automatix and Google Earth

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    Automatix and Google Earth

    Installed Google Earth via Automatix. While installing, the following info came up on the console - what does it mean?

    X Error: Bad Device, invalid or uninitialised input device 168
    Major opcode:146
    Minor opcode:3
    Resource id :0x0
    Failed to open device

    Earth opens but with split display of earths and is slow to repond (1.3GHz machine). Try to do anything and the whole computer freezes (cont/alt/esc doen't work).

    Happy to remove it altogether but how? Does not appear in adept add/remove progs or repositories. So how should I manually remove it?

    Thanks Richard

    Re: Automatix and Google Earth

    You may have two separate problems. The message about the Xerror may have nothing to do with Google Earth if (1) you get two such error messages and (2) your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file still has 3 sections talking about the wacom graphics tablet that you don't have. If that is the case, then #comment out all three of those sections from the line that starts
    Section "InputDevice"
    all the way to the line
    . In addition, you'll have to #comment out the three lines in the "Server Layout" section that refer to "stylus", "eraser", and "cursor". That should make the X errors disappear.

    I would think that a 1.3 GHz processor would be fast enough to handle Google Earth, so I think you might have had a problem with the installation. I tried it in beta and didn't think much of it. So I removed it, but I'm sorry to say that I don't remember how. It can't have been too hard because if it was, I'd remember it.

    Did you download a tarball (a file named something like googlearth.tar.gzip) from Google? If so, the README file in the tarball will have instructions for uninstalling. Just click on the tarball and open it with Ark, then view the README. If the final version is distributed in some other form, someone else here will have to help you.


      Re: Automatix and Google Earth

      I'm also new in Kubuntu and I would like to know how to install the file "GoogleEarthLinux.bin" as I failed when I used "sudo apt-get install ..."
      Thank you,


        Re: Automatix and Google Earth

        Generally, a file named something.bin is a shell script containing a payload. Usually, the site that provides the bin file also provides some instructions about where to put it, but often you can put the bin file anywhere because when it unwraps it's payload it will put it's components anywhere the developers assumed they should go. The only problem with this is that it might not the right place to put it in a Debian based Linux distro. In addition to which, of course, you have no idea what the bin file is going to do, so you have to rely on the honesty and good wishes of the suppliers of the file.

        That said, you can probably just start the file in a konsole (K>System>Konsole) by giving the commands:
        cd /dir/with/the/file
        ./whatever.bin <--- notice the dot preceding the slash

