22.04, double clicking (easytether_0.8.9_amd64.deb) produces a greyed-out install button, install with, also no luck, terminal, says installed but "dependecy problems". doing a search for dgebi produces an install button, but an apparent error: "too few items" and dgebi is not available to install (easytether), really
This deb package is my only option to get on the internet, to finish updating 22.04. my little usb-wifi barely downloaded the preinstall updates, it seems to need a driver update cause its to slow, so im back to easytether
This deb package is my only option to get on the internet, to finish updating 22.04. my little usb-wifi barely downloaded the preinstall updates, it seems to need a driver update cause its to slow, so im back to easytether