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Display issue

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    Display issue

    When I re-boot my computer, I get a blinking window with 'Unsupported Mode" then the horizontal and vertical freq's.

    Is there a way to change this so I can at least see text or a screen instead of this blinking box.

    Oh, it also does it on bootup.

    Re: Display issue

    The message probably indicates that the xserver is trying to start your system in a display mode which is incompatible with your hardware (usually, your monitor, but possibly, your display adapter). I'd suggest that you take a look at the web site of your monitor's manufacturer to get the specifications for Horizontal Sync frequency range and Vertical Refresh rate range. They should also be in your owner's manual (if you can still find it). Then drop into a console login with Ctl-Alt-F1 and run the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in expert mode, so you can set those quantities. Once that's completed you can reboot with the command "sudo shutdown -r now".


      Re: Display issue

      If I try the ctrl-alt-f1 I am given the same screen, blinking box with message and resolution. Is there a place where I can see what resolutions that I am running now?

      Is there something for the GRUB menu that I can change the resolution. I also am running on the nvidia drivers, (but I don't know if that means anything).


        Re: Display issue

        If you enter a "cheatcode" like "vga=normal" at the grub boot prompt, that will only work until the Xserver is started. However, when you go to a tty, full screen, black and white console via Ctl-Alt-F1, you should be able to login with your username and password so you can fix your xorg.conf file. If you can't login at all, you can start Kubuntu in "Recovery Mode", which is the second entry in the Grub menu. That will automatically log you in as root (after you give your password) and then you can run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" without sudo.


          Re: Display issue

          I've tried changing the configuration file in recovery mode to just allow the recommended resolution for my monitor at the correct refresh rate and I still get the 'Connot Display This Video Mode' when kubuntu loads. I am basically stuck. I really was interested in using this release but may have to try something like SuSE and such.

