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Installing anything is a hassle

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    Installing anything is a hassle

    I've been using Windows since I was 4 years old, and now my dad brings home Kubuntu so he can set up another computer. I hated it at first, then I liked it alot, now I'm about to give up and not use it ever again. I just want to be able to play my iPod or watch some videos on, but nothing I've done seems to make it work. I've tried installing gtkpod, but that hasn't worked using the Terminal, so I don't think I'm doing that right. And amaroK doesn't know my iPod's connected, and once in a while when it does know, it doesn't play any of the music. I've also tried installing macromedia, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I'm just very fed up with the whole manual thing. So questions, How do you know if the Terminal thing is doing anything? I did cd documents, and all it did was >. So I have no idea if it worked. So I kept going until I got to the directory with gtkpod in it, and I did ./configure, then sudo something install. And it did >. I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Re: Installing anything is a hassle


    In fact, to install staff, you should use either adept, apt-get or aptitude. For example :
    sudo aptitude install gtkpod

    To install all staff to read things like video on the net :
    check easyubuntu or automatix :
    for easy ubuntu :

    Hope you will like and understand the idea of linux


      Re: Installing anything is a hassle

      You don't need to install those things with ./configure make make install and all that.

      Here are all the ways (most of them easy) to install software in Kubuntu:

      For your particular situation, just enable extra repositories and then paste this command into the terminal:
      sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install amarok gtkpod flashplugin-nonfree
      That one command will download and install all those programs and their dependencies.
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: Installing anything is a hassle

        Oh wow. The terminal is finally doing something. I don't know if it's installing stuff, but definitely promising. Thanks!

