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Honor to the staff and members of the Kubuntu forum team.

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    Honor to the staff and members of the Kubuntu forum team.

    I am an old man and want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and gratitude to the staff and members of the Kubuntu forum.

    I have been using Kubuntu as my primary Operating System for over 20 years now. I am a retired fine-artist who never had the logical mind for operating computers and have survived this past 20 years due to the kindness and patience of all of you.

    I realize that among some of you, I may have appeared lazy by allowing myself to receive so much help, which had I your logical mind, I would have done much more of the work myself. How annoying it must have been from time to time.

    Yet the kindness and patience of this forum prevailed and my weaknesses were held up with your strength, and just in case I was really less capable and not lazy as some of you must have thought, help was still provided.

    I have to tell you, I would never have been able to do this work without you. I have loved most every minute. As a computer operator, I may have been weak, but my passion for participating as a user has equaled my passion for my chosen work. During my time as an artist, I lost track of years of my life, because I was so happy in my work. Strangely enough, working with computers has been nothing but struggle, yet I have experienced a similar passion.

    Had you not helped me, over and over and over, I would have had to give up long ago. Without your help, I just did not have the intellectual tools. I am not being humble, and faced this truth long ago, however I can see my mortal clock and wanted to make sure that you knew my gratitude. You have brought joy to an old man's life, and I thank you. Cudos

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    Well I'm gonna

    Has been a pleasure watching you blossom, so to speak, over the years. You have been patient and calm, and understanding.

    I am glad you came over here from the kubuntu-users mailing list. There are more people in here, and imnsho, better, nicer people.

    Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters


      You have become such a great friend to me and a tremendous help on so many occasions. My one regret on this forum is that we live apart and do not have the opportunity to see eachother in person to develop wider friendships. I feel this way about many of the administrators and all the users that try to help also. We are a fortunate bunch to have such a supportive group that help eachother with such grace.

      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
      Well I'm gonna

      Has been a pleasure watching you blossom, so to speak, over the years. You have been patient and calm, and understanding.

      I am glad you came over here from the kubuntu-users mailing list. There are more people in here, and imnsho, better, nicer people.

      Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters

