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Live session NVIDIA issues

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    Live session NVIDIA issues

    I need to install the x64 14.04 LTS into two desktops, one is ATi and the other NVIDIA. Naturally I have tried live sessions first and the ATi machine is fine. On the NVIDIA machine however the desktop does not even load properly, There is just a "mess" where the panel should be. Access is possible to a few things by clicking around but that is all. I can't risk not being able to work this out after a full install. Is there any way I can get around this to get a working live session?

    FWIW, one of the first things I do when installing any Ubuntu-related distro on my nVidia-equipped ThinkPad T520 is to enable the Xorg Edgers PPA and install the nVidia binary driver from that. It's almost always more up to date than the driver included with the distribution. I cannot guarantee this will work for you, but it's possibly worth a shot.


      Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I've hit too many other snags and decided to give up. First after updating and spending ages configuring the system and installing the other stuff I needed, I suddenly received a KDE Daemon password request. As I'd never set one in the first place this caused me a lot of grief because I couldn't connect without it. Having got round that, the sound suddenly stopped working. After that another Daemon alert to activate my internet connection and now not recognizing the password I did set. Think I'll wait until this matures for a while and then try another install.


        Oops, not so good an experience...

        I feel I need to be really happy with the compatibility of my Thinkpads.


          Originally posted by Teunis View Post
          I feel I need to be really happy with the compatibility of my Thinkpads.
          Yep, ThinkPads with Linux really kick ass. Unlike so many other laptops that instead suck ass.

