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Wireless and touchpad problems after update

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    Wireless and touchpad problems after update


    I'm trying to learn to use Kubuntu on my own after leaving my mate be honorary IT guy for far too long. It's not going so well though...

    I'm using version 12.04, and KDE platform version 4.8.5. I don't think my EEEPC has even the slightest sniff of windows or any other additional operation system anywhere near it. I'm apparently using version 0.97-29ubuntu66 of grub - not that I know what that means. The eeepc has a 32-bit intel CPU.

    I tried to run a standard software update today, by clicking on the "software updates are available" icon, and clicking on install updates. I put in my password when prompted and let it run. Nothing obvious went wrong. When I returned to it it worked ok, but when I played a clip on youtube the sound was a bit alien-esque and jumpy so I restarted it to see if that would help. When it reloaded the touchpad was totally unresponsive. I attached a wireless mouse and that worked ok, but the touchpad still seems dead. The wireless also seems unresponsive - it's not even picking up which networks are available - but the eeepc works fine with a wired connection. There seem to be more updates to install (not that the first lot went well!) but when I have tried to install them (who knows, maybe it will help?) it flicks past the prompt for a password and then flashes up an Authentication error.

    I'm a bit lost and would welcome any suggestions.


    First of all, how did you update? Or precisely what commands or apps did you use to update? If you did a normal upgrade of packages everything should still be working, but if you did a distribution upgrade you might have got the beta version of 12.10 and if you have that could be what's causing the problems.

    Within the Konsole enter the following command

    lsb_release -a


      cheers for the reply. I assume it was a normal upgrade - I literally, and unthinkingly, just installed everything suggested when I clicked on the icon on the panel bar.
      Typing in the command you gave gives the following string of (for me) confusing text:
      No LSB modules are available
      Distributer ID: Ubuntu
      Description: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
      Release: 12.04
      codename: precise

      ...? Does that mean anything to you?
      Last edited by absolute_beginner; Oct 04, 2012, 01:44 PM.


        Sorry for the delay.

        Right, it hasn't performed a distribution upgrade and you haven't got the beta version of 12.10, so that's good. It sounds like there is a driver issue with regards to your wifi network card and touchpad. To check for proprietery drivers for these devices you need to run the package 'additional drivers'. You will find this under the System sub menu in the main menu. Main menu -> System -> Additional Drivers

        Hopefully this will work and solve your problems. If it doesn't I'm stuck for an answer myself. So fingers crossed!

        I am surprised that no one else has replied to your request for help. Should you have any further problems with Kubuntu and no one on these forums replies then head over to that is a much more active forum than this one.


          Delay?! You mean you were doing something other than helping strangers with computer problems for a few hours? Outrageous!
          Thanks for trying... unfortunately when I followed your directions I got the message "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system", with "close" being the only active button. So... I'm still stuck. Thanks for the ubuntu forum address, though, I might try that next.


            No LSB modules are available = The Linux Standard Base (LSB) is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of the Linux Foundation to standardize the software system structure, including the filesystem hierarchy, used with Linux operating system. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.
            According to the LSB:
            The goal of the LSB is to develop and promote a set of open standards that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions and enable software applications to run on any compliant system even in binary form. In addition, the LSB will help coordinate efforts to recruit software vendors to port and write products for Linux Operating System.
            The LSB compliance may be certified for a product by a certification procedure.[1]
            The LSB specifies for example: standard libraries, a number of commands and utilities that extend the POSIX standard, the layout of the file system hierarchy, run levels, the printing system, including spoolers such as CUPS and tools like Foomatic and several extensions to the X Window System.....

            This is from wikipedia an i hope it's will help...regards.


              I took this to After following a fair few instructions that I don't yet understand, my laptop is fully functional again. Result! Anyone who's experienced similar problems can find the thread at
              Thanks again for the help!

