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Previously viewed You Tube audio plays at startup

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    Previously viewed You Tube audio plays at startup

    Here's a wierd one, folks:

    Using v12.04, KDE v4.84, and GRand Unified Bootloader, after the login screen, Kubuntu startup audio plays and is immediately followed by the audio from a You Tube video that my son had viewed the day before.

    Cleared history from Dolphin and Firefox, restarted computer, but this behaviour persists. Any clues on this little gem?

    Thanks in advance

    Very odd, indeed. Have you checked "Start with an empty Session" under System Settings > Startup and Shutdown?

    Please Read Me


      I presume it's playing from Firefox ... is Firefox running at this point? (Or as soon thereafter as you can check!)

      Or Flash? (which shows up as "plugin-container" on my system)

      If it's playing from some other app or from KDE itself that would be very odd. It would suggest the audio had been saved somewhere.
      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

