My system would not boot properly until I skipped trying to mount my LVM.
Here is what I get after running the LVM tool (system-config-lvm):
Here is the portion of my /etc/fstab that pertains to it, and looking through /dev (Storage doesn't exist?!?):
I had installed 11.10 in November, and the first 3~6 boots of 12.04 went without a hitch.
Very Odd.....
Here is what I get after running the LVM tool (system-config-lvm):
Creation of filesystem failed. Command attempted: "/sbin/mkfs -t ext4 /dev/Storage/Storage" - System Error Message: mke2fs 1.42 (29-Nov-2011) Could not stat /dev/Storage/Storage --- No such file or directory The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?
root@Daddy:/home/dpich# cat /etc/fstab | grep Storage /dev/Storage/Storage /media/Stuff ext4 defaults 1 2 root@Daddy:/home/dpich# ls -la /dev | grep Storage root@Daddy:/home/dpich#
Very Odd.....