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It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

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    It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

    I have long been a fan of Google's Chrome browser, so when I recently made the switch from that lovely Windows to this new fangled Kubuntu malarchy, I was delighted to find that I could still use my favourite browser.

    But it appears that it is not quite the same browser as I'd been used to. For one thing, it hangs periodically, freezing up the whole machine. Another rather annoying little quirk, is that if I drag a site's address bar icon onto my Bookmarks bar, it won't open any folders when I hover over them. I'm an organised chap and have my bookmarks neatly categorised into neat folders. Under Windows, Chrome was able to open up these folders so that I could navigate my way down to the level I required and drop the new bookmark into the right place.

    So my question is: Is there a better version of Chromium, or perhaps a better browser that I should be looking for?

    Chrome version : 12.0.742.112 (90304) Ubuntu 11.04
    Kubuntu: 11.04 Sole operating system (i.e. not Wubi)
    KDE: 4.7.00
    Grub: 0.97-29
    Type: Laptop
    CPU: Intel 32-bit i686
    RAM: 2GB
    HDs: 1 internal 60GB

    Re: It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

    You don't have to use Chromium. You can use Chrome.

    If you go to the chrome download site, you can download the latest version for linux. Click on the downloaded .deb file (like Windows) and the installer will load. What is very clever is that as part of the process googles download repository will be set up in the repo list which means that every time the system checks for updates it will check for updates to chrome too.


      Re: It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

      Oh neat, thank you. This I have done and we'll have to see if it behaves a little better.

      (The bookmarks issue is still there though).

      But thank you, I'm very much obliged.


        Re: It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

        google-chrome-unstable is up to version 15.0.874... I have never had an issue with the unstable release, but I also don't use chrome daily. Still, worth a try before switching to a different browser.

        (-stable is at 13 and -beta is at 14)


          Re: It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

          I'm a long-time chromium-browser user -- I'm also using the unstable Ver. 15.0.8xxx, and I must say it has been very solid for however many weeks I've had it.

          But, for the OP, I would suggest you deal first with the "freezing" issue, before swapping browser versions -- at least to confirm that the direct cause is chromium-browser and not something else, like your video setup. If you first open a terminal and enter "top", and then park that somewhere on your screen where you can watch it, then open the browser and observe what is using the most CPU resources at the moment of the "freeze". If it is xorg, rather than the browser, then we'll need to talk about your GPU and driver.


            Re: It's Chromium Jim, but not as we know it.

            I've recently switched from the chrome-beta to the chrome-stable because it seems after using the 'beta for a while I end up with a lot of swap space used and keeps increasing until my machine freezes. Since I know of no way to reclaim swap safely, I had to reboot every week, not something I want to do... Time will tell if this was the problem, but for now, the stable version doesn't do this.

            Just my $0.02

