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Installing Scribus(Resolved Thanks)

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    Installing Scribus(Resolved Thanks)

    Hi Iv had a problem installing Scribus. I used Adept to install it but when it gets to 23% it hangs. This seems to be caused by vmware trying to get its agreement ticked unfortunatly if I click details in Adept all it presents me with is the top of the agreement hence no way to tick to accept. Apart from the not being able to install it has left the following problem in its wake. If I try to clean up by running sudo apt-get autoclean I get the following.

    john@theredqueen:~$ sudo apt-get autoclean
    E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
    john@theredqueen:~$ dpkg --configure -a
    dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege

    Thanks for any assistance in cleaning up and or being able to install scribus John

    Re: Installing Scribus

    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Installing Scribus

      Hi again Aysiu, as always thanks for the assistance. that worked and gave the following read out.

      john@theredqueen:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
      Setting up libssl0.9.7 (0.9.7g-5ubuntu1) ...

      Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25 ( ...

      Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules ( ...

      Unfortunatly now when I try to install Scribus via Adept I get the following message.

      There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.

      Also Adept update wants to update vmware player so I apply it gets 23% and stops. AT this point I quit Adept rebooted went to the console.and here is a read out.

      john@theredqueen:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
      Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-26 ( ...

      Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules ( ...

      So all appeared to go well but Adept updater still wants to update vmware player and I appear to be in an endless loop.
      At this point the only option I can think of is to uninstall vmware player and except that is impossible to run Scribus on Kubuntu a pity as it is described as a killer app for Linux, any other suggestion would be most wellcome.

      Thanks again John


        Re: Installing Scribus

        Originally posted by John Bird
        So all appeared to go well but Adept updater still wants to update vmware player and I appear to be in an endless loop.
        At this point the only option I can think of is to uninstall vmware player and except that is impossible to run Scribus on Kubuntu a pity as it is described as a killer app for Linux, any other suggestion would be most wellcome.
        I'm running Scribus with no problems on your situation is by no means hopeless.

        First of all, could you describe the connection with vmware-player-kernel-modules and installing scribus, I can't see the connection between these two issues (which is probably my own fault )

        anyway, if you have trouble accepting the license agreement of vmware...try updating it with apt-get (which should give you the full license agreement to accept)

        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


          Re: Installing Scribus(still a problem)

          Hi thanks to responding to this post.
          first you asked "First of all, could you describe the connection with vmware-player-kernel-modules and installing scribus, I can't see the connection between these two issues which is probably my own fault." In answer to that I do not know the connection myself, from the Adept I requested install scribus and extra templates and this is what happened. vmware is installed and updated but I cannot use Adept updater as when I do Adept wants to update vmware also if I try to install scribus I get the error mesage in Adept

          There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.

          I am running a 64 bit install I do not know if that has any bearing on this problem. Maybe my best course of action would be to uninstall vmware, as I do not require it and try again

          Thanks again regards John

          p.s. Kubicle the code worked Adapt is now no longer in its endless cycle of attempting to update vmware. so hopefully all will be well. still do not know why vmware was installed in the first place, I assumed that it was part of the install of scribus as this was the only change I requested.

