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Sun Java

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    Sun Java

    I tried installing the sun java runtime program through adept, and it hung, so I had to reboot. Now when I go to install it, it says that changes cannot commit. Now I cant get updates or install anything at all....what should I do?

    Re: Sun Java

    When you installed the sun-java packages, did you get a chance to accept the Sun Java license? Sun Java is not free (in the sense of speech) software, so you have to agree to Sun's license before the installation will finish. I'm not sure that Adept is set up to handle that.

    There's even worse with regard to the Sun-Java documentation. All that you download in the package is an installer. You have to go to a web site at Sun (following instructions that Adept may not show you), download a tarball of the documentation, make a temporary directory (follwing instructions...) then untar and execute (follwoing instructions...).

    That's why I used Synaptic, but even in synaptic you have to be sure that you have the terminal open. The best way to install the sun-java packages is from the command line with apt-get. That way you get to see all the things you have to agree to and all the other things that you have to do. So what you should do is to start a Konsole (K>System>Konsole) and run the command "sudo apt-get sun-java5-jre". Enter your password, when requested. You won't have to download it again. APT will just go straight to the "Do you accept the license" page.


      Re: Sun Java

      No it didn't, until I hit details, but I couldn't hit enter on it or anything, so I did it in the terminal.

      Also, I had a bad URL in my repositories. Go figure it would cause Adept so much disfunction. Apparently it kept trying to get the updates from the bad URL, it would get an error and cancel everything, but I don't think that was what was causing everything, but it works now :P, oh, and btw, now I have Synaptic. I will definitely be putting it to good use. I read it is TONS better.


        Re: Sun Java

        Debian, which is the parent of Ubuntu, considers Adept to be Alpha software, not even Beta.

