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Ark error

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    Ark error

    Hello, i've searched google and this forum, and didn't find any help...
    Everytime i extract an archive with "ark", i get this dialog:

    Configuration file "/home/amithiel/.kde/share/config/arkrc" not writable.
    Please contact your system administrator.

    This is a fresh copy of Kubuntu Maverick, just installed yesterday. I've done all the updates possible, and i just installed a few programs, so i didn't mess around. is it a bug i can workaround?
    Thanks in advance.

    Oh, btw, the file still extract...but it's annoying getting this popup everytime.

    Re: Ark error

    Originally posted by amithiel
    Configuration file "/home/amithiel/.kde/share/config/arkrc" not writable.
    Please contact your system administrator.
    This is likely a permissions/ownership problem with the config file (the file is not owned/writable by your user)

    If you provide the output of command:
    ls -l ~/.kde/share/config/arkrc
    We'll see whether this is the problem (in which case the solution will be simple)


      Re: Ark error

      thanks so much for the fast reply, here you go:

      -rw------- 1 root root 265 2010-12-13 21:58 /home/amithiel/.kde/share/config/arkrc


        Re: Ark error

        Originally posted by amithiel
        -rw------- 1 root root 265 2010-12-13 21:58 /home/amithiel/.kde/share/config/arkrc
        Yup, the file is erroneously owned by root, the command:
        sudo chown amithiel:amithiel /home/amithiel/.kde/share/config/arkrc
        will make your user the owner again, which should fix the error.

        Have you used ark with sudo (instead of kdesudo)? Basically everything in your home directory should be owned by your user, and using sudo with GUI apps can cause config files to transfer to root ownership (which can cause problems such as yours).


          Re: Ark error

          yeah, i might have done that. thanks for your help man!

