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Problem with OS networkin?? maybe different languages?(SOlved)

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    Problem with OS networkin?? maybe different languages?(SOlved)

    HI guys well i have a prob lately...i have kubuntu 10.4 LTS and the thing is that when i enable the wireless network to use the internet i have a freezing prob randomly....everythin gets stuck like 5 or more min till it responds...if its disable it wont happen...but im guessing (not sure at all) that has something to do with my World of Warcraft....cause i play with wine...and it works perfectly and the internet conection to wow servers goes perfect...but since i have it installed i have this prob....i always loved linux cause i never have a freezing prob...but since i installed wine or played WOW thats what happens....Maybe using windows programs makes my kubuntu sick XD hahaa I don't know...

    Any ideas?

    Thank's, Cheers Kira.