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Video card upgrade freezes keyboard and mouse

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    Video card upgrade freezes keyboard and mouse

    First, I apologize for posting a Ubuntu question here but I usually use Kubuntu and decided to install Ubuntu on an old PC I was going to give to a friend.

    I installed Ubuntu 9.10 using Live CD on an ancient computer with 1 GB memory and a really ancient 8 Mb AGP video card - and everything worked fine. But I got tired of the 800 x 600 max video resolution of the 8 Mb card, so I installed a 64M ATI AGP card. It seems to boot fine and then right at the very end after the main screen comes up - the keyboard and mouse freeze. It does this when I boot from the LiveCD as well. Any ideas?

    Re: Video card upgrade freezes keyboard and mouse

    I had a similar problem last year and it turned out to be the video card. Hopefully, you've found another solution in your case, going back to the old card would be a bummer.


      Re: Video card upgrade freezes keyboard and mouse

      Well, since the splash screen works fine, and the main screen comes up OK before it freezes, I'd like to find a solution other than giving up. Any ideas, anyone? I'd try reinstalling 9.10 with the new video card, but it freezes up using the Live CD so I can't do that.


        Re: Video card upgrade freezes keyboard and mouse

        you could try booting to recovery mode and doing the fix x ,reconfigur x ? somthing like that .........I havent ben to the recovery screen in a long time

        or the root shell and do
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
        but the card may or may not work with the old box ?? not being abel to boot the cd isent promising try one of the F1-6 options vesa mabey or safe graficks

        allso go into the BIOS and look for options to incress vid agp ram size or eney other options to set up vid card setings!!

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

