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Amarok weirdness

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    Amarok weirdness


    I'm new to Kubuntu, and just tried Amarok for the first time this weekend with a cd filled with mp3 files, and it plays ok. I tried another cd of regular audio files (like for a home stereo) - and it wouldn't play at all.

    Did I read correctly that Amarok cannot play regular audio cds?

    Can someone recommend a media player that does play both MP3 files and regular audio cds?


    Re: Amarok weirdness


    Amarok should play it. It will add it to the collection list on the left (same as if you plug in your mp3 player, assuming the mp3 player has linux support). Are you sure it's not there?

    Search here for "audio cd"

    Hope this helps!


      Re: Amarok weirdness

      Well, what happened was I put a 'regular' audio cd in the drive (Toshiba laptop) - and Amarok started up automatically - which is fine - but it wouldn't play.

      I opened the user interface for Amarok, and had it search the CD ROM drive -where it was able to list the audio tracks on there. I couldn't get it to play any of them though.

      In fairness, I did only try the 1 audio cd. After it didn't work I just went on to doing something else as I didn't have much time to troubleshoot it.


        Re: Amarok weirdness

        I have a SATA optical drive and an IDE optical drive. An audio CD inserted into the SATA drive will be recognized by Amarok with an icon, but it will not populate the playlist and play. If, on the other hand, I insert the audio CD into the IDE optical drive, Amarok will populate the playlist, and play the CD. Additionally, the choice of "play audio cd with amarok" from the device manager won't start amarok. It must be started manually.

        Also, an audio CD inserted into the SATA drive will show no contents in dolphin. Inserted into the IDE drive, contents will be shown in dolphin.

        Kaffeine will play audio CDs, but you can't see the playlist. The title of each song as it begins to play, shows up briefly, but you can't see where you are in the list -- as there is no list.

        VLC will play the audio CDs nicely, but you don't see any titles -- only track01, track02, etc.
        Linux — leaping tall "Bill-dings" in a single bound!
        Linux user #347469


          Re: Amarok weirdness

          I had to put the cd in twice, open amorak manually, then put the cd in again, then click on 'play audio cd with amarok' in the dialog that opens up when you click on the cd icon in the device notifier The Kubuntu motto: If it's fixed, break it ...

