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System settings won't save (kubuntu 9.10)

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    System settings won't save (kubuntu 9.10)


    Fresh install of kubuntu 9.10 won't persist system settings between kde sessions on my system - I've changed some keyboard shortcuts and the resolution of the external monitor and the settings are reset to default when I log in to kubuntu next time..

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Re: System settings won't save (kubuntu 9.10)

    First thing I'd check is that no user config files are not owned by root (which prevents writing to them as a user), run in konsole:
    find ~ -user root
    (this will recursively search your home folder for files that are owned by root)


      Re: System settings won't save (kubuntu 9.10)

      oops, double post


        Re: System settings won't save (kubuntu 9.10)

        I have to correct my self - to make things even weirder some settings do get saved, some don't.

        For example - changing the keyboard shortcut for locking the screen gets saved, but changing the shortcut for "Activate application launcher widget" under Global window shortcuts->Plasma workspace doesn't get saved. I changed the shortcut to Alt+Space...

        Can someone try if it works on your own installation?

        As for display settings, I suspect it's a different issue; I plug my laptop to the external 22" display and I have to change the resolution in System settings -> Display to correct one every time I plug it in (even if I reboot the machine with the external display plugged in all the time). Is there a way to make this work automatically?

        I've checked and I don't have any root owned files in my home direcetory.


