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Issues with Games - SOLVED? Naah

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    Issues with Games - SOLVED? Naah

    Hi all,

    I've just installed Kubuntu, my 9600 GT drivers (1GB, 256 bit), a few games (like AssaultCube, Nexuiz, AlienArena), VLC and a lot of other things. I've moved from Vista to Kubuntu 9.04 (or Jaunty), hoping for more support and I have huge issues mostly running the games I've played on windows (just those which have linux binaries... I'm not even dreaming to get something running on wine yet).

    I like KDE 4 (it really looks GREAT), but I find it quite hard to install something using KDE, usually because there are always some permission issues. I know you can't run your KDE as root, but there are some situations when the installers don't ask you the password for root, therefore they can't finish installing or they can't configure themselfes properly.

    First Q: When I want to install something (like wine from the package manager) that has a GUI installer, can I run it from the terminal with "sudo [binary or sh]? Or the package manager installs as sudo all the time? (If so why can't my installed application (wine, NVIDIA X Server Settings) create a folder for himself or save to xorg.conf or remove the xorg.conf.backup file (it exists) and so on?)

    I know a very, very basic things about linux, but don't ask me anything about GUIs, or OpenGL, or anything about graphics, cause the only thing I know is to draw in gimp. :P Therefore I don't know how to get things like desktop effects, movies and games or music working.

    Second Q: Why do games like AssaultCube, Nexuiz and lots of others stay for a few minutes on the task manager (with no changes to the desktop) and then just disappear with no errors messages whatsoever. (I didn't activate my desktop effects)

    I got AssaultCube (this is my favorite game) running actually up until the point when I wanted to leave, exit, quit the game. I downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted it to my home folder and I ran the game with "sh". The only way I found to exit the game is to shutdown my pc from the power button, because the whole thing freezed.

    Third Q: Is there any other info I can provide you to help me?

    I'll have my xorg.conf file attached as a txt. (I saved the NVIDIA settings manually.) Hope it helps.

    Thanks in advance,

    Attached Files
    Szilvi<br /><br />... for human beings

    Re: Issues with Games

    1. to install wine from the terminal, issue
    sudo apt-get install wine
    , you can also use the GUI PACKAGE INSTALLER (Kmenu-> Sysem Setting-> Install) make sure and check for sys upates while your there

    2. start them from the terminal

    3. Run from terminal and post the error messages

    BTW-- In sys setting, open the desktop setting and you'll see desktop effects
    Registered Linux User 545823


      Re: Issues with Games

      first STOP trying to install stuff you find on the net.

      DL'ing tar.gz's at your level of experence WILL be trouble for you .......and may ruen your system.

      ONLEY download stuff you find in the packeg manager I'll admit Kpackegkit is a little buggey

      SO get synaptic it's a better packeg manager.

      sudo apt-get install synaptic
      and ONLEY install stuff from it...........if you cant find what your looking for ASK hear or in the ubuntu forums for help chanses are your not looking for the rite far as a packeg for wat you want.

      if you keep trying to run instalers and tar.gz's that arnt for your system soner or later youll brake it


      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: Issues with Games - Consider it solved.

        Graphics, effects, priveleges and so on problems solved.

        Reinstalled Kubuntu 9.04 from a new cd and NOT my faulty dvd. The problem was, I got no error message when installing Kubuntu form the dvd, but I then realised how scratched it was. Downloaded and burned cd image, installed and all me problems are solved.

        It's sad dough that I couldn't find AssaultCube in any package manager, but thanks anyways guys.


        KUBUNTU nice! I like!
        Szilvi<br /><br />... for human beings


          Re: Issues with Games - SOLVED

          Packages from are usually safe.

          I got songbird from there and Google Piscas from
          Both are working fine
          Registered Linux User 545823


            Re: Issues with Games - SOLVED

            Well I've considered the problem solved in a rush and I stumbled upon a few issues today while using wine. Installing was easy (synaptic). It didn't need any configuring. I've installed wine-doors for an easy gui. And I've had problems browsing the c drive (nothing happened), installing games (I mounted ISOs and tried to install Mirrors Edge and F.E.A.R., autorun worked for the first one but setup.exe gave me the Access denied error)... I don't know what to do, I don't know where to do it, I can't even find the logs (where are they)... any help will be highly appreciated. I'm willing to give you guys remote access too, just talk to me on yahoo or something. Maybe we'll be friends. My id is csakoka and I use pidgin even at work (it runs on Vista :P)

            Cheers and thanks in advance,

            Szilvi<br /><br />... for human beings


              Re: Issues with Games - SOLVED? Naah

              C Drivee- open konqueer, type
              in address bar
              Registered Linux User 545823


                Re: Issues with Games - SOLVED? Naah

                If you want to avoid problems where an app doesn't ask for the passwd and fails to get necessary permissions use this form of sudo:

                sudo su -

                The konsole box will be as if you logged into root from a konsole using a root password.

                The app won't have to ask for a password.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

