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Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

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    Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop


    I have decided to try the new Kubuntu 9.04 on my pavillion dv2000 laptop.
    For a year ago i had Ubuntu on it (7/8 version). I had to give it up because of wifi and musicplayer problems.
    I am now running a beta of windows 7. does not like it and want to try Linux Again. I would love to have a computer with linux working. My first attempt was Red hat for many years ago. Since then I have tried a lot of versions, but my skills and patient have never been good enough to stick with it. My hope is that some days linux is meeting my skills..

    What I have done now is to download and burn an ISO cd with latest Kubuntu.
    I have windows 7 on disk C, and want to install Linux straight over it.

    I tried to put the cd in and startet the laptop.. No good. It was saying that I had some failure and asked me to try Alt-Ctrl-Del to try to restart.. No good..

    Then I tryed to start windows normally and then open the CD and start the installation file. This time I reached longer. The machine restarted after a while, and i could see some progress.. but when it said that it would try to make "swapfile" or something it went black and turned the power off..

    Last year when I had Ubuntu, I just putted the CD in and it worked at once..

    I tryed to burn another copy and another Iso type 7 times.. No good
    I tried to change to see if Linux Mint maybe could work.. Nope

    Maybe I have to formate Disc C totally to get it to work? Can it be windows 7 that makes a lot of trouble in some way?
    I am a litle afraid that if I formate disk C, that i stand without any system..

    Any suggestions?

    Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

    What speed did you burn the ISO image at? Also, did you check to make sure the MD5SUM was correct?
    Usually burning at the slowest speed and using type DAO works the best for creating a cd ISO of any Linux distro. Make sure in BIOS that you are set to boot from CD/DVD.
    &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


      Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

      I have to admit that I burned the CD with 32x speed.. I did that last year also with Ubuntu 7? and it worked perfect.. Maybe I was lucky.
      It tries to boot from the cd so that is ok I think.
      I will try to burn the cd again this evening with 4 or 8x speed.. That would be CD version 8..

      I am very exited if I can get Linux to work this time..

      The only thing that stopped me from using it last time was some few but for me important issues..

      1. Wifi was unstable. Some sad it was because of a Broadcom driver in my HP laptop didnt like Linux..
      2. It was not possible to log in to my Bank. This is ok now I have heard.
      3. My portable musicplayer (Samsung P2) was not possble to connect.

      Maybe I could fix it if I had more patience, but i really worked many days and hours to find out how, and I went tired and gave up.


        Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

        You absolutely do NOT have to reformat your drive or overwrite your windoze installation. Kubuntu will fit into the free space on your hard drive.

        1) Check out this page at the Ubuntu community help wiki and (especially) the references there that you need to check the download, burn the iso, check it for errors, and install (k)ubuntu with it,
        2) Find your old CD that worked install with that and then upgrade through the releases between that release and the current 9-04 release,
        3) Order a free CD from Shipit and wait up to 10 weeks,
        4) Buy it from one of the many commercial CD suppliers that advertise at


          Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

          1. Wifi was unstable. Some sad it was because of a Broadcom driver in my HP laptop didnt like Linux..
          2. It was not possible to log in to my Bank. This is ok now I have heard.
          3. My portable musicplayer (Samsung P2) was not possble to connect.
          1. I believe Broadcom is actually very well support in *buntu now.
          2. There are really good programs for this now.
          3. If you are using Kubuntu, Amarok is a really good choice for use with MP3 players. I have no trouble hooking up my daughters iPods or my Sansa E260.
          &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


            Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

            yeah.. I could try to update with the old Ubuntu cd that worked last time if i still can find it..
            But anyway, This time I would like to use KDE4.. But that is also maybe something that I can fix when I have Ubunt installed.. Only problem Is that last time I installed Ubuntu I had to sit in my washingroom for hours to config the ndiswapper or something.. ( my wireless modem and internet connection is in that room).
            To keep windows 7 is no must for me. Its only a demo and is not working after 1.june..
            And my goal has been to use an Linux machine for many years..

            yes the problem with the Bank was the java version I think. It should be ok now..
            I have heard that other is connectingb the new musicplayers to Linux Machines now,so i x my fingers..

            If I can get it installed again..


              Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

              Hardware support has definitely been improved over the last couple of years. If you are able to supply the model of the wireless chip we should be able to tell you whether:

              There is support out of the box or
              You need to install the backports package or
              You need ndiswrapper.

              Assuming you have got the desktop cd you should be able to run kubuntu on a "live" basis that will enable you to evaluate what works and what doesn't before you install. I agree with CVpunk that it's advisable to use the slowest possible burn speed to minimise the risk of error.

              Good luck!


                Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

                Tried some more cd's with 4x burn this evening.. tried joliet and iso1 format. do not know the difference but tried anyway.. could not boot. It says "could not load dos".
                I tried to download a windows installer. Looking that everthing is ok before it asks me to restart..
                when I restart i see that I am into something with an choise to chose windows or Kubuntu. I press Kubunto and i then can see an Kubunto logo.. The installer packing out files etc. But when its like 50% it says that it is going to make an ext 3 swap or simmilar. then the screen goes black and the computer turns off..
                New restart and the whole prosess is starting again..

                Can it be that Windows 7 have maked an strange type of partition that it is impossible to install something on?


                  Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

                  ok, you should be burning them as Iso9660 image.

                  Kubuntu's installer should be able to overwrite the Windows, but if not you can try Gparted..
                  &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                    Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

                    One more cd..

                    Get the same text message:

                    "The system memory manager (EMM386.exe) has detected an error causted by an fault in one of the device drivers or program loaded in the system"

                    And then it says i can press any button to restart.. -It does not response to that.
                    I can also press ctrl-alt-delete to restart and then i happens again..

                    Without the cd in, windows7 starts as normal..


                      Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

                      hmm.. Maybe Win7 is doing something. I found this on EMM386..

                      Maybe using gParted to remove Windows might work.
                      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


                        Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop


                        Used another cd-burner program and voila..

                        Found the belkin driver at once and are now up on internet with my laptop.. The system is looking really nice!

                        Now i have to think about a couple of more things.

                        1. I get message that my home folder is to small.. How do I make it bigger?
                        2. I think I need Firefox with java to log in to my internet bank. Or can I install it in Konqueror?
                        3. Is Konqueror faster than Firefox on Linux?

                        Thanks for help so far..


                          Re: Installing Kubuntu 9.04 on HP laptop

                          Originally posted by 912R

                          Used another cd-burner program and voila..

                          Found the belkin driver at once and are now up on internet with my laptop.. The system is looking really nice!

                          Now i have to think about a couple of more things.

                          1. I get message that my home folder is to small.. How do I make it bigger?
                          2. I think I need Firefox with java to log in to my internet bank. Or can I install it in Konqueror?
                          3. Is Konqueror faster than Firefox on Linux?

                          Thanks for help so far..
                          great ..... 90% of the probs with the cd are usualy a bad burn for one reson or anuther.

                          let's take this 1 at a time open a konsole and type

                          sudo fdisk -l
                          thats a lower case L not an I

                          to see what you disks look like........copy the output hear.

                          did you make a sepret /home partition or leave it on /......root?

                          the rest is triviall but the /home to small will/could be TROUBLE untill we get it sorted.

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

