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Quick System Questions

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    Quick System Questions

    Hello, I just had a few questions about Triple Booting my system.

    1. I have 4 1TB HDD's. Should I use 1 For Jaunty, 1 for XP, and 1 for Vista, or combine the XP and Vista into 1 HDD, and put the remaining 2 HDD's into like a RAID1?

    1: Linux
    2: Vista
    3: XP
    4: Storage?

    1: Linux
    2: Vista and XP
    3: RAID1
    4: RAID1

    2. Which GFX Card has better support/which would you recommend? The ATI Radeon HD 4890, or the nVidia GTX 275/285?

    3. I am getting a Quad Core CPU. Should I go with the 64-bit OS's, or which order should I use(Like 64-bit Jaunty, 64-Bit Vista, and 32-Bit XP, etc...)

    4. Which CPU cooler should I choose? I'm Thinking of either the Thermaltake SpinQ, or V1 Ax, or a Zalman...

    5. Is there a graphical bootloader? Like instead of using the text-based GRUB, is there one where you can put Icons for the Different OS's on your system, and select them with the left and right arrow keys?

    I wasn't exactly sure if this was the right section to post this in, but I don't really think there is one...

    Re: Quick System Questions

    1 - Personally I like to keep my OS on a separate smaller drive.
    Even a 160gb would give you plenty of room for all three.
    I don't like to span drives either, just concerned about losing everything if one drive goes down. You can use symbolic links to gather your directories into one convenient location. My server has six main directories each sym linked into the users home folders. No one but me knows their real locations, and all users have easy access from their home folders.
    Do give consideration to how you arrange and format your partitions though as Vista/XP do not play nicely with ext3.
    I would use ntfs for the data partitions (except for your linux and home partition, ext3) rather than fat too, for larger file size and better file name support.

    2 - I have never personally liked the ATI cards, but there will be plenty of people here who prefer them to the nVidia. Have a look through the forum for common issues and make your mind up from there, depending on what issues you can live with or not.

    3 - Linux; definitely run the 64bit version. All 32 bit apps that I have come accross are handled seemlessly by linux now.
    I did have enough issues a couple of years ago to go back to 32 bit, but 8.10 and 9.04 handle everything so well that I would have no idea what is running as 32 bit on my system and what is running as 64.
    Vista/XP; definitely stay 32 bit on these. The 64 bit versions are an absolute pain in the arse with generally fairly poor driver support and less than good 32 bit handling.
    Vista is not so bad, but you will still find quite a few things that will not work such as usb connection on some cameras and other niggly but painfull things.

    4 - I have tried a couple of different ones and keep going back to the stock one supplied with the CPU. But then I don't work my box hard enough to tax the cooling requirements.

    5 - I don't know of one, but really, what is the difference between using the left/right or up/down?
    I doubt anyone spends enough time looking at the grub loader (not intentionally anyway) for it to be an issue.
    You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


      Re: Quick System Questions

      Thanks for that. I was planning on using NTFS for the Windows ones, and using either EXT3 or EXT4 for the linux.


        Re: Quick System Questions

        Regarding 64 vs 32 bit,
        I have a Dell XPS 630 64-bit quad system. It just plain will not run 32 bit OSs. Not sure why, and not worth fighting through it to find out. I would recommend that you try booting live CDs for the systems you are interested in, before loading, to make sure they will work at all. The 32-bit systems run just fine in VirtualBox, which is what I use for those apps that refuse to run in the 64 bit environment. Although there is limited video acceleration support in VirtualBox, I believe XP is one of the systems that is in fact supported for this (meaning, games will probably run).
        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: Quick System Questions

          OK, so does 64-bit Kubuntu, 64-bit Vista, and 32-Bit XP Pro sound good for Tri-Booting?


            Re: Quick System Questions

            Sounds fine.
            I would be a little reluctant to go with the 64 bit vista.
            Rethink using ext4 as well, I installed jaunty on my lounge pc alongside an existing xp install.
            Jaunty booted ok but xp would not until I removed the ext4 partition.
            They are coexisting peacefully now with ext3.
            You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.

