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Desktop activity very slow

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    Desktop activity very slow

    Hi there

    I am new to the linux world and have gone through a number of distros due to problems with my bluetooth adaptor. I finally settled on kubuntu as it worked first time with everything (including the bluetooth)

    I have installed onto my IBM T40 laptop and everything seems to run really well, except for the desktop. I am assuming that it is something related to Plasma. Something simple as selecting an icon can take 5 seconds...then a couple of seconds when I press rename.

    Is there a way to revert to a plasma'less desktop?

    Also, and completely unrelated. I will use the laptop to VNC to a Windows XP box that has dual monitors. I can't seem to switch to the 2nd screen like I could using Windows UltraVNC. Does anyone know of anyway for this to be done?

    Many thanks

    Re: Desktop activity very slow

    Originally posted by PureLoneWolf
    Hi there

    I am new to the linux world and have gone through a number of distros due to problems with my bluetooth adaptor. I finally settled on kubuntu as it worked first time with everything (including the bluetooth)

    I have installed onto my IBM T40 laptop and everything seems to run really well, except for the desktop. I am assuming that it is something related to Plasma. Something simple as selecting an icon can take 5 seconds...then a couple of seconds when I press rename.
    Two thoughts:

    1. If Kubuntu likes your bluetooth device, Ubuntu should too, and if the problem is KDE-related, that would be one workaround.

    2. On a new installation, the "indexing" thing can take a while to finish, using considerable resources while it is working. So if you run "top" in a Konsole window, you can observe what process(es) are using your resources and slowing down the desktop. If it is just indexing, the solution is "wait a while".

    Is there a way to revert to a plasma'less desktop?
    No -- well, maybe, but it's an unnatural act -- plasma is the heart of what makes KDE4 go. It's not a viable approach for usability of the computer.

    Also, and completely unrelated. I will use the laptop to VNC to a Windows XP box that has dual monitors. I can't seem to switch to the 2nd screen like I could using Windows UltraVNC. Does anyone know of anyway for this to be done?

    Many thanks
    Sorry, that's an unusual arrangement -- I don't recall ever seeing a post on this one. I'd search on Ubuntu forums, where there is a larger population of threads and users -- a solution there should work on your Kubuntu system.


      Re: Desktop activity very slow

      Thanks - I will try Ubuntu again I think as the indexer isn't doing anything and it still takes ages to do anything.

      Strange that noone is controlling a machine with dual screens...seems a fairly standard option with Windows VNC viewers. Even Logmein has the capability.

      Thanks for the help


        Re: Desktop activity very slow

        Thanks for the help again - Ubuntu is running much better on my old laptop...shame though as Bluetooth doesn't work.

        I managed to overcome the VNC issue by running UltraVNC through Wine, not ideal but works well enough for my needs


          Re: Desktop activity very slow

          Good -- partially fixed, anyway. The Bluetooth thing could be a research project -- there is probably a way to get it working, ultimately, but you may end up compiling drivers to get there.

