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Native KDE programs - if that exist

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    Native KDE programs - if that exist

    I am looking for programs to add to my "toolbox".

    I thougth I had really found a great one when I found Krecipes. But it seems the devs are nowhere to be found and I can not get it to work. Too bad. The only other real alternative I can find is a Gnome based program and I really hoped to avoid adding Gnome stuff to the computer.

    Anyone know of a good recipe manager (food stuff) for KDE?

    Also, I love Miro. I use it a lot on MS Win. But that is a Gnome app too. Are there any real alternatives for KDE?

    What are the other killer apps that you use on Kubuntu? Especially non-geek stuff (apps that has something to do with the life outside the computer world - if there is something like that 8) ) is very interesting. I already have Digikam installed and I am looking forward to follow that one as it gets more mature. Definitely a killer app.

    Tell me your favourite apps.
    Software tips (in Norwegian):

    Re: Native KDE programs - if that exist

    Skanlite is a great little scanning utility... Qt4 goodness.


      Re: Native KDE programs

      "I really hoped to avoid adding Gnome stuff to the computer."

      Any particular reason for this? Are you desperately short of hard drive space, for example? I honestly can't think of any other reason for it. When you say "Gnome stuff", I take it you mean anything that has a dependency on any of the Gnome and/or GTK libraries? I believe that would rule out using Firefox as your browser, for example. AFAIK the libraries only get loaded into RAM when needed by an app, and when the app is closed the libraries are unloaded again.

      Anyway, like you, I originally wanted to stick to KDE / QT apps on my system, but I quickly found that I was unnecessarily limiting my options. I'm not going without Firefox, Miro, Pidgin, etc for the sake of DE ideology! However, I *do* choose KDE / QT apps over Gnome / GTK apps if they offer equivalent functionality.

      On-topic... my favourite non geeky KDE app would have to be the Amarok music player.
      "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
      -- Douglas Adams


        Re: Native KDE programs - if that exist

        Skanlite is a great little scanning utility... Qt4 goodness.
        Great. I really need a good scanning program. Thanks! :-)

        The reason for avoiding Gnome dependencies as much as possible right now is that I am running Kubuntu 9.04 beta and do not want to make too much mess... But if it is the only way to get some apps, I will of course install them. Anyway - trying to avoid it for now.
        Software tips (in Norwegian):

