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Toshiba Regza and ati video

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    Toshiba Regza and ati video

    I have kubuntu installed on a computer allready and I like it alot. That computer is basically setup for development, I have another computer that I have hooked up to a 42inch TV with the HDMI coming out of a radeon 3650HD to the TV so that I can watch mkv and mts files(which I checked are supported if not always with great results). I miss running linux as my main box but the thing that has me concerned is if kubuntu supports the DisplayPort under kde 4.2? If no one knows I'll probably give it a swing and see anyways but I was kind of thinking I should see if there is support for that first. I would like to have the audio and video coming out of the HDMI.

    Re: HD 3650 HDMI support

    So I had some time today to go give kubuntu a try with my TV setup. I loaded up the dvd in the drive and the tv worked for a computer screen, I selected English as the language and then went to the options of installing or trying the live CD. I normally would just go and install but I figured I would see how the live CD worked. I loaded the live CD and then it went to the normal loading screen. After it had loaded awhile it got to where i figure it would have finished loading and then the screen went blank and it gave me "Unsupported Video Signal" this is an error on the TV I get when I'm out of range or the computer isn't giving a signal(it thinks that the TV has gone to sleep and is waiting for it to tell it, it didn't I ran into a simular problem under windows xp and vista)

    So I don't really want to go further with installing unless I can determine what would be causing the problem. If it's just that kubuntu isn't giving it a proper resolution or refresh rate I can hookup the computer to a vga monitor and configure it to work. If it's because of the video card telling the computer it's asleep then I'm not sure if I can do the install and tell the card to continually give it a signal and stop detecting it's asleep. I hope someone has run into this and can help I would like to run kubuntu as my media PC instead of windows.


      Re: HD 3650 HDMI support

      So I did a full install last night because text mode would work. When it finished I had the same problem and I couldn't do ALT+CTRL+F2 to bring up the terminal. I ended up pulling out the HD3650 and using the onboard x1200. I had the same problem but when I hit ALT+CTRL+F2 it brought up the console so I could login. I went to the xorg.conf to edit the display drivers like I normally would but it's blank. So from there I ended up having to download the ati driver onto my laptop, put it on a flash drive, and mount the flash drive and run it. I rebooted but still no love, but I checked out the xorg.conf file again for fun and it actually had been populated by the driver install. It did have the proper flgrx driver in there so I figured everything else was working before it detected the hardware so I would give the vesa drivers a go. I replaced the flgrx driver with 'vesa' and it worked. But outputting to my TV it looks like crap. So I need to figure out how to get the flgrx drivers to work with my TV setup I've configured the xorg.conf file to output to the TVs native resolution as I figured that was the problem but it's still hasling me. I'll see if I can post my xorg.conf later.

      Any ideas?


        Xserver doesn't work with current setup.

        Okay I'm at the end of my rope I spent all of last night working on this issue. I can get the bloody thing to come up with the vesa drivers but of course it only does 640x480 for resolution and looks like utter crap on the 42 inch screen. Everything else works fine but I kind of want the video to work right otherwise I might as well just install XP on the machine and use just my other lower powered system to do what I want on.

        I found a couple of things last night, every once in awhile I was able to bring up the GUI with the flgrx drivers but it was very random and few and far between attempts with how i had the xorg.conf setup. I manipulated it and though I made backups I can't remember which one actually worked at times. I have about 10 different backups from the changes I made(I should have numbered them sequentially). At this point I think the problem is with either the fact that I'm using HDMI out on the x1200(it's the asus board with the HDMI expansion) which I believe it's not as I was having problems with my 20inch LCD monitor hooked up with VGA, or that it's the screen setup as I have had problems with Vista and XP and this stupid TV. I did find some people with xorg.conf that have this same screen, one seem to be setup for PAL which only partially helped and the others were freebsd from like a year or two ago which are kind of outdated.

        I haven't seen anyone with an x1200 onboard(not on a laptop) and a toshiba regza 42 inch setup on it. Can someone please help I'm at the end of my rope. I've already went through a video card at this point(I started with the HD3650 and now am on the X1200). I think if i went with a NVidia card I would have more luck but I really can't do that right now. My only option if I don't get this configured soon would be to drop kubuntu and run XP again until I can get some hardware that will work with my TV. I don't know when that would be.

        If someone has some key things I might need in the xorg.conf file or if they have some other idea I would be forever grateful.

