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Ubuntu 8.10 loaded fine? I don't know what was wrong

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    Ubuntu 8.10 loaded fine? I don't know what was wrong

    I don't know if it means anything or not, but the way I understand it is that lots of people work on these OS.. and I was having lots of trouble loading Kubuntu on my machines but Ubuntu loaded with no problems at all... same kind of disks, burned on the exact same computer etc....

    Why I have no idea at all? I mean they are very alike correct? just a few minor problems it seems (the touchpad doesn't work on the laptop, the wireless) but these seem to be minor problems from what I have read.

    But I thought you all would like the feedback in any case and you all have been more than helpful and patient here, I don't know if the information will help any in the future or not...

    The systems I attempted to run Kubuntu on were an old HP desktop with a celeron processor (sorry can't remember the processor speed etc.) with 1 GB of ram and a 40 GB HG

    A compaq Presario v5000 laptop with an AMD Sempron processor 1.8 Mhz with 2 GB of ram and an 80GB HD

    A Compaq Presario A900 laptop with an Intel Dual-Core Processor and 4gb of ram with a 250 GB HD.

    As for why it wouldn't work I have no clue.... but I did get Ubuntu to load with success on the Desktop and the v5000 laptop.... after I have everything working well on those 2 systems I will see about loading on the a900 laptop..

    Once again thanks to everybody for all of their help over the last couple of days, I guess the good thing is that I finally get to dump Microsoft though and get into the open source world... which has been my goal all along...

    thanks cptrohn.

    Re: Ubuntu 8.10 loaded fine? I don't know what was wrong

    There is a fundamental difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu. That difference being the desktop environment; Kubuntu and KDE, Ubuntu and Gnome. Up until 8.10, the choice between Kubuntu and Ubuntu amounted to not much more than personal preference. Each was stable, each had their own strengths. With 8.10, Ubuntu still has Gnome, but Kubuntu has a new and vastly different KDE.

    Some folks report nothing but niceness with the new KDE, others, can't get beyond the initial install screen from the CD -- and various results in between those extremes. I'm using 8.04 and will continue with it until KDE settles down a bit -- perhaps version 4.2 in the next Kubuntu (9.04) will be better. For now, I wouldn't personally touch KDE 4.1.x with a 10-foot pole, but that just comes from my own experience TRYING to install Kubuntu 8.10.

    It can only get better , and it will.
    The next brick house on the left
    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


      Re: Ubuntu 8.10 loaded fine? I don't know what was wrong

      There should be no difference between the 2 other than the packages they install as defaults. Having said that, I have seen many cases where people have had "issues" installing kubuntu but have no problem with Ubuntu. Why, I have no idea. Also, I have seen reports where things seem "to just work" with ubuntu and to give Kubuntu users headaches. Bluetooth is a very good example of that one I think.

      However the beauty of (K)ubuntu (or most other linux distros for that matter) is that you are not restricted to any desktop . With ubuntu you can install the kubuntu desktop package which gives you kde and with kubuntu the ubuntu desktop which gives you gnome. Both share the same repositories. You can choose upon login which desktop to run (on a per session basis if you want). There was a time in the early days of 8.10 when kde4 was very flaky. Having gnome which was more stable installed saved my bacon on more than 1 occasion. Now KDE 4 has got better (I'm on KDE 4 beta 2) I have uninstalled the ubuntu desktop, simply because I have grown to like the new KDE.

      You lose nothing but a bit of disk space if you have them both installed so as to see which you prefer.

