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loading kubuntu via USB

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    loading kubuntu via USB

    hello there, i'm a first time linux user. and i'm trying to get it to run solely on a usb memstick. i've followed the instructions here on pendrive linux

    i've test the memstick and the files for integrity via the included tools, everything checks out, stick is a crossair survivor 8GB GT

    when my comp starts up its loads the installer fine, it comes up to a menu which ask if i want to install kubuntu or or run kubuntu persitently, now here's the problem:

    if i choose to run persistently, in which the tutorial explained that it should saved all changes to the usb memstick, after a short loading process it display the following:
    Loading /caspeb/vmlinuz........................................... ...................
    Loading /casper/initrid.gz........................................ ......................................
    ....* ...


    Loading, please wait....
    Linux unubuntu 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64

    then a short introduction paragraph followed by the unbuntu web site
    and shows in the command line "unbuntu@ubuntu:z$"
    if i put in a command it will change to " "unbuntu@ubuntu:~$"
    in the next line"
    i have no idea what it wants from there to allow me onto the GUI

    now if i use the option to install kubuntu, and quit the installation, it will go to kubuntu without installing (via usb i assume, but its a weird way to access it), but if i choose to turn off the computer it will say there are several processes that need to be terminated, when i have no windows or anything running, i was having a problem installing it, it kept saying during the installation phase that it couldn't umount /cdrom, today it worked for some reason, but as i said i still rather not have it actually installed, i'm going to windows on the drive and don't want to deal with partitions.

    anyways, long story short i don't want to install kubuntu on the hard drive because i want get windows again eventually (i'm in between copies at the moment due to a hard drive failure and a lost cd key)

    so can anyone know what it wants me to type in the command line to run kubuntu via usb in persistent mode?
    Or, if it's a problem with usb hard drive emulator or somthing of that nature, does anyone know of a better program then whats offered via the pendrive linux site.

    thanks for your help, i'm sort of at a loss on how to make this work properly
    again, be aware that i'm not accustomed to the linux command line, but i do know MS-DOS, and realize the similarities

    comp specs:
    amd 4600+ (2.4GHz duel core)
    [2] crossair 1 GB RAM (DDR2 6400) (DIMM)
    XFX 7900 GT (256MB DDR3)
    120GB SATA 7200 rpm (seagate)

    Re: loading kubuntu via USB

    Right off hand, don't know, but I used to get those issues also @pendrivelinux.
    For now, until someone can help troubleshoot, here's another option to get it quick:
    Look for:
    (or my longer install method)

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: loading kubuntu via USB

      ONE more thing!!! i'm trying to get the usb key setup using a windows xp platform, if that means anything, and trying to install it on a computer that has no OS thanks for the replay, reading it over right now


        Re: loading kubuntu via USB

        Yep, have a look at the last couple of pages of that thread - usb-creator is probably the easiest way to create a live USB stick.

        BTW, is this for a netbook or why can you not just use a CD? Alternatively have a look at the first post here under USB-stick:
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: loading kubuntu via USB

          Originally posted by toad
          Yep, have a look at the last couple of pages of that thread - usb-creator is probably the easiest way to create a live USB stick.

          BTW, is this for a netbook or why can you not just use a CD? Alternatively have a look at the first post here under USB-stick:

          its for a desktop that had a hard drive failure, and i lost the cd key, however the thought of a mobile OS is intriguing to me, and might be useful for college as well or going to a buddies place, and jsut so the question isn't asked, this is a different hard drive


            Re: loading kubuntu via USB

            What on earth is a CD key? Never mind.

            If a mobile OS is what you are interested in the remastering link above may be useful in its entirety. In addition you might also want to check this thread:

            Have fun reading
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


              Re: loading kubuntu via USB

              In the UK, the latest edition of Linux Format has a piece about it, that looks interesting.


              Haven't got it yet but when I do if there's anything of interest I'll post again

