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Can't connect to the internet.

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    Re: Can't connect to the internet.

    Yeah, I didn't realize that you could install KDE in Fedora.

    It sucks because my sound card isn't supported very well either; so I can't listen to music or anything while I'm programming.

    Oh well, I'll just have to put them on my mp3 player or something.

    Thanks for all of the help guys. Sorry we couldn't fix it.


      Re: Can't connect to the internet.

      Well, perhaps you should get decent hardware Only joking...
      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: Can't connect to the internet.

        I'd like to think that my hardware is decent it's just not very well supported.

        Actually while I'm here, do any of you have a preference for a distro of Linux to install on the ps3? I was looking at maybe Fedora or Ubuntu. So far the only Linux distros I've seen that actually has a specific release for the ps3 is ubuntu and yellow dog. I was wondering whether any additional hardware support went into the release of these distros or will any linux work on the ps3?

        Seeing as I've already downloaded ubuntu 8.10 for ps3 I might just try that and see how it goes.


          Re: Can't connect to the internet.

          I didn't mean to offend. Your hardware is prolly a damn sight faster than mine...

          Re PS3 - I think they all work, incl. (K)Ubuntu and Feodora. Check
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: Can't connect to the internet.

            I'd give ubuntu a go but as I don't own a ps3 I have no preference.

            I'd like to think that my hardware is decent it's just not very well supported.
            For the record: I have an ASUS W6FP laptop (the sexy, leather-bound one :P) and it has worked with everything I have thrown at it - gentoo, arch, (k)ubuntu. Mind you, it is full of Intel, Ricoh and Realtek stuff...
            Confucius says: If you enjoy your work, then you never have to work another day in your life.


              Re: Can't connect to the internet.

              Just install the $5 NIC card and disable it under Windows...


                Re: Can't connect to the internet.

                Originally posted by evans62
                Just install the $5 NIC card and disable it under Windows...
                Yeah, that's another option. Next time I'm at the computer store I might give that a go. I'll try using the onboard sound as well and see if it works.

