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Desktop not responding

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    Desktop not responding

    Hello, I encounter a strange problem. I am not sure how I can reproduce the problem, but just now, I think it is like this. Firstly I open Kaffeine, I click 'Play DVD', later it pop a message window that to suggest me install something. Then, I open Run Command using shortcut key Alt+F2. After the Run Command window show up, I can't type anything in the input box. And when I try to click the "Cancel" or "Option" button, it can't been clicked. After that, when I 'show desktop', I can't even right-click the desktop, click file icon on the desktop, anything. Just seems like the kubuntu-desktop is hang.

    So does anyone ever meet problem like this? Thanks before
    P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04

    Re: Desktop not responding

    Just now I have logged out. After logging in, it back to normal.(I mean I have try the steps that just now I posted, but nothing happened) But just before I logged out, I have deleted an avi file which size about 700Mb on desktop. Could that be the causer? A large size file in desktop can cause it hang? But that doesn't seems to be right, I have used to be put a few large video files in desktop, and never happened to be like this. But still I am still finding out, what cause my computer hang.
    P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


      Re: Desktop not responding

      Seems like the problem never happened again after I removed the large size file in the desktop. So I conclude this thread as solved. So if anybody has problem similar like this, try to remove large size file in desktop.
      P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


        Re: [SOLVED]Desktop not responding

        I was wrong. The problem still emerged. Just now, I tried to copy large size file, and the problem But this time I got clearer problem. Not only Kdesktop hang. This time I got Kicker hang too. So Kicker hang and then Kdesktop hang. This is the strangest problem I ever met after using about 1 year of Kubuntu. Seems like this thread cannot categorized as solved yet.

        Somebody!! Help!!!
        P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


          Re: Desktop not responding

          I'm guessing that it is not really "hung", but some other process is using all the resources, so there is no response from the desktop or kicker for a very long time.

          When you boot up the system and it is running correctly, open the Konsole and run
          Put this window down in the corner of your screen where you can watch it. Then run Kaffeine or Alt-F2 and your favorite command, or whatever. Keep an eye on the top window while you are working on your system. When you desktop hangs, look at top and see what is taking all the resources at that time. This will help you understand what needs fixed.


            Re: Desktop not responding

            Thank's for the suggestion. Last night I have run top from the start till shut down. Nothing happened yet. So I'll observe the top program today.
            P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


              Re: Desktop not responding

              Hm after monitor, at last it occurred again. I am getting clearer now the indication to the kicker or kdesktop hang.
              So at first I thought if I copy, delete or move large size of file, the Konqueror will be hang(I use Konqueror as my file manager). After the Konqueror hang, immediatelya kicker hang, and later kdesktop hang.

              I have observed top, nothing special taking resources. Only Xorg and firefox.

              ..Btw, could it be virus? I just feel this is not normal anyway...
              P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                Re: Desktop not responding

                Originally posted by garry_3peace

                ..Btw, could it be virus?
                That's a really, really remote possibility -- right up there with the possibility of a meteorite through your cable connection.

                I don't see how a "large file" on the desktop could be relevant either, unless your filesystem were nearly full. Just to check it, you can run the "df" command and look at your free space.

                When you went to move the file with Konqueror, and it hung, what did top show?


                  Re: Desktop not responding

                  Just now, I just used clamav to scan. And the result is like this :

                  ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
                  Known viruses: 440223
                  Engine version: 0.92.1
                  Scanned directories: 2733
                  Scanned files: 52499
                  Infected files: 5
                  Data scanned: 1499.54 MB
                  Time: 747.510 sec (12 m 27 s)

                  I guess, this might be the virus. But I just wonder, does it automatically fix the infected files?
                  P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                    Re: Desktop not responding

                    the infected files :
                    /home/garry/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/lhcycupvrrmhk.dll: Trojan.Agent-32925 FOUND
                    /home/garry/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/winuoj32.dll: Dialer-1592 FOUND
                    /home/garry/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ffkvxeyalfaat.dll: Trojan.Agent-32925 FOUND
                    /home/garry/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/vtutsqp.dll: Adware.Virtumonde-552 FOUND
                    /home/garry/.wine/drive_c/skaglnck.exe: Trojan.Dropper-3419 FOUND

                    I'll continue to see any change today...
                    P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                      Re: Desktop not responding

                      Yeah, I admit my disk is nearly full. But my harddisk now is better than last month. Last month it only left 300 MB, while now I have about 1GB. So I thought it is impossible the disk space which cause all of these.

                      Meanwhile, after observe a while, I tried to delete, copy, moving large size of files, my kdesktop, kicker or konqueror never hang again. So I think, it really could be the virus. But still must test a lot.

                      P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                        Re: Desktop not responding

                        Geez... it happened again~

                        After playing the avi file with Kaffeine. I intend to delete the file at the desktop but it immediately hang(from the moment I click “delete" at the right-click menu. Aaargh!! >
                        P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                          Re: Desktop not responding

                          Can anybody give suggestion what should I do in this condition
                          I don't have any clue now.
                          P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                            Re: Desktop not responding

                            Instead of deleting things, first make sure that you don't want them again, then instead of hitting the <Del> button, try <Shift> <Del>, it will ask you if you're sure, click OK.

                            It deletes them completely.
                            It would probably pay you to empty the waste-bin as well.


                              Re: Desktop not responding

                              A belated p.s.

                              If you open Konqueror, go to ->Settings ->Configure Konqueror, on the Behaviour tab are three boxes, "Show 'Permanently Delete' context menu entries which bypass the Deleted Items folder", and "Ask Confirmation For".

                              I tend to tick the "Permanently Delete" box.... bit of a wuss.

