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Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

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    Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

    Hello, I am a total noob,

    Just installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my old Thinkpad T42. I wanted to sync my blackberry so I (stupidly) downloaded the necessary files and attempted to install from my desktop. After selecting the files with no response I went to the Adept Manager.

    Problem: Adept Manager now says:

    "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem."

    This message seems pretty common, but I tried the sudo apt-setup, sudo apt-get update, the terminal dispalys the following:

    Sudo apt-setup =
    "command not found"

    sudo apt-get update =
    "E: Type 'file:///home/casey/Desktop/libbarry-dev_0.13-1.2_ubuntu804_i386.debfile:///home/casey/Desktop/barry-util_0.13-1.2_ubuntu804_i386.deb' is not known on line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list"

    Assistance would be appreciated.

    Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

    K Menu -> Applications -> System -> Manage Packages (Adept Manager)... supply password as needed... Adept Menu -> Manage Repositories... Third Party Software tab... uncheck the desktop file that is causing the trouble. And then try and run those commands again.

    Now, you could also just comment out the line in your sources.list, but since you are a self-described noob I am trying to help via GUI as much as possible. So give that a try.

    And if you are in 3.5.x instead of 4.x let us know.

    Edit: Or can you not even open Adept Manager at all? I guess as i re-read that might be the case.


      Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

      Thanks, but I cannot access the apedt manager, I keep getting that comment I posted earlier. I am in KDE 3.5, Installed from the Live CD.


        Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

        Also the files I downloaded, were not exactly a "package", they are 4 separate files, I believe they need to be compiled...getting in to an area where I am totally clueless ...



          Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

          First browse to /etc/apt/ with konquerer and make a backup of sources.list. Then:
          kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
          or I think in konquerer you can right-click and "Edit as root"... either way, you then need to comment out the line they are referring to by putting a
          in front of the line.

          I'm not sure if it will solve all your problems, but it's a start.


            Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

            With Adept closed, in a Konsole, try
            sudo dpkg --configure -a
            That often straightens it out.


              Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

              Kjjjjshab, dibl...thanks a ton,

              I went into conqueror navigated to the said folder and deleted the line the eror was reffering to... Adept Manager opened right up. This error happened yesterday aswell and I did a reinstall to solve the problem... windows habits are ard to break :P thanks again, you saved me some time and frustration


                Re: Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install.

                Originally posted by cmcrow1
                Kjjjjshab, dibl...thanks a ton,
                Don't thank me, thank I learned nearly everything I know (about GNU/Linux) from the great people here... I only return the favor by trying to help the new guys... good luck!


                One other thing... please hit the Modify button on your first post and change the Subject to "[Solved] Adept Manager not working after failed 3rd party software install." unless you are still wanting help with getting your third party app installed.

