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Kubuntu to XP network help and music download???

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    Kubuntu to XP network help and music download???

    I have a laptop with this specs:

    NEO laptop Model: M54SE
    Intel Celeron M CPU 410 @ 1.46GHz, 896MB of RAM, 40gig SATA hard drive.

    Ok my question is if I upgrade the hard drive to a higher capacity (200gig? but is there a higher laptop hard drive capacity available?... please tell me please...)

    and then if I upgrade it I am thinking of using Ubuntu or Kubuntu OS, what will be the best choice? What OS will work for my laptop faster? please help me to chose from the 2 OS....

    and If I have install the OS for example, How can I install the Driver for the laptop? it only have drivers for WinXP and and Vista... How can I install the driver if I use a Linux OS? I know that Linux don't run or don't recognize SETUP.EXE command,.. is that correct?

    And regarding to NETWORK,.. I have a PC with WinXP OS and If I install the Linux OS in the laptop, will I be able to see or open or recognize each device in the network?

    How can I share or transfer a file?

    Will the Linux OS be able to see or open the hard drive or the PC if the hard drive is formatted in NTFS?

    I have a router that I will use to share the internet connection for the laptop and the PC.

    Will XP and Linux OS see or recognize each other on a network?

    will I be able to install YAHOO MESSENGER on a Linux OS? all my friends and I have an account in YAHOO MESSENGER.. how can i use it or how can i chat with people using YAHOO MESSENGER if I will use the LINUX OS?

    what will be the PROS and CONS of shifting from XP OS into a Linux OS?

    What software for Linux or Ubuntu or Kubuntu can play .FLV files because i have movies in that format.

    I also want to use this laptop for watching movies and listening to music, what software is best to use if i will use the Linux OS?

    And If I example connect another laptop with VISTA OS in the network,.. will they see and recognize each other? will i be able to see the content of the VISTA laptop if i will use the laptop with Linux OS via the network?

    HOw can i download videos from YOUTUBE if i will use Kubuntu OS? what Kubuntu version will be best for my laptop?

    HOw can I download free music or MP3 in the internet if I will use Kubuntu? What will be the best Software for downloading music will work for Kubuntu? that will match (Citrixwire, iMesh, Kazaa and Limewire for Windows)
    please help me... thank you very much

    Re: Kubuntu to XP network help and music download

    it's a lot of questions, mate...
    you might want to do some background
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Kubuntu to XP network help and music download

      Yeah, a lot of questions most of which can be answered by:
      - searching this forum
      - google is your friend
      - making a specific thread for each question you don't find an answer for with the above.

      networking with linux and windows (Samba) ) is no problem plenty on that in this forum.
      Read up on samba (networking with linux and windows)

      Music / multimedia download and playing also no problem. Have a look here:

      and on this forum.

      FLV files: google is your friend or :

      Youtube: No big deal, plenty on that in this forum.

      which is best for you kubuntu or ubuntu?
      No idea. Linux is about choice, so it is up to your taste and habits.
      Get the live cd for both and try them out.

      One point of advice.
      ubuntu uses the gnome desktop which looks great on the live cd but is not very flexible as far as looks go once installed.

      Kubuntu uses the kde desktop (stay away from the kde4.1 for now, it is still very much beta, unless of course you feel adventurous )
      which is a bit drab on the live cd but very configurable to you taste once installed.

      A good place to look for the various kde setups have a look at the image gallery on this forum or:

      Welcome to the party (almost)

      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Kubuntu to XP network help and music download

        Originally posted by jankushka
        it's a lot of questions, mate...
        you might want to do some background
        THANKS,.. but i cannot install Kubuntu 7.10 in this laptop, so is Gentoo, and Nimble X.. I have those live CD's but it cannot detect my hard drive i think?

        My 40gig hard drive is partitioned drive c:10gig and drive d:30gig.

        all the 3 mentioned OS's don't continue on the installation process.

        drive d: is NTFS while drive c: is FAT

        then i unpartition crive c: but still the installation doesn't continue.

        its having a bug error message... and it cannot inntall or detect the laptops monitor.

        i don't know.... is there a way to fix this


          Re: Kubuntu to XP network help and music download

          Originally posted by macnyak
          live CD's but it cannot detect my hard drive i think?
          it's unlikely that linux have a problem with a hd.
          very strange.
          never seen (can't recall, anyway) linux having troubles detecting a hd.
          on free space...10gb is plenty for a basic installation of linux.

          Originally posted by macnyak
          its having a bug error message... and it cannot inntall or detect the laptops monitor.
          this is also unlikely.
          a laptop's monitor should be a straighforward lcd.
          more likely it's having troubles with your graphics card.
          that's a possibility.

          Originally posted by macnyak
          i don't know.... is there a way to fix this
          difficult to say from here.
          you ought to be a bit more specific on what's going on...

          gnu/linux is not windoze

