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Live and Install will not boot after installation

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    Live and Install will not boot after installation

    Downloaded both Live and Install AMD64 CD ISO.  Neither will boot after installation/setup.  All the questions are asked and data is entered, but after installation/setup the computer has a blank screen, a mouse cursor on the screen and it appears a band of multiple colors across the top of the screen.  The computer is a Tyan K8E-SLI (S-2866), 2G Dual Ram, AMD X2 4400, Evga 7800 256MB Video Card.  There are several boot options at the start of the installation, but I do not know which to use to solve the problem.  Have loaded other Linux systems with no problem.  Wanted to test Kubuntu on this machine as I have used Ubuntu on an older system and I think that is what I prefer.

    Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

    You seem to have a problem with your display. Usually that means that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is set inappropriately. However, if this is the first use of the new video board, I'd try it with windows, and remove and re-install it if you have problems there. EVGA and your monitor manufacturer talk to M$ even if they don't publish specifications to Linux vendors.

    Assuming that your hardware is okay, the first thing to do is to find and write down the characteristics of your monitor, specifically, your screen dimensions in pixels (if it's a flat panel), and the maximum and minimum horizontal frequencies (in kHz) that your monitor can tolerate. Armed with this information, start your computer in rescue mode, login with your username and password and then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". If this does not produce a satisfactory result. You can edit the file by hand with the command "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf". Nano is a very simple console editor. I wouldn't use it to write a 1000 line C++ program, but it's great for small tasks. First give the command Alt-B. This means that when nano saves a file it will save the original as a backup e.g. xorg.conf~. Now scroll down to the stanza that begins
    Section "Monitor"
    	Identifier	"Generic Monitor"
    Look for the lines that begin "HorizSync" and "VertRefresh" . Enter the values that you got from the monitor user's manual. Hint: the xserver is set to prefer color depth to refresh rate when evaluating the parameters to use, so set a minimum refresh rate no less than about 50 Hz, unless you enjoy headaches.

    Now find all the sub-stanzas that start 'SubSection "Display"'. They will have a color depth and then a set of screen sizes in pixels. Remove all screen sizes except the size of your flat panel, assuming you have a flat panel.

    Now save the file, then, back at the console give the command startx. Your system should come up in glorious living color. If so, reboot in normal mode. If not, note down any error mesages that you see and come back here.


      Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

      Thanks for the help. I am trying to use my Philips 55" LCOS TV/Monitor. It has a DVI and VGA input and with XANDROS linux I have no problem with the video, but I have problems getting the packages installed that I want. I have tried Ubuntu before on an older system and was very happy with the "Automatix" and the tutorials that help with the installation of packages. I have some higher priority items on my plate this morning, but I will get to this as soon as possible. It may be tomorrow. I will let you know of my success or failure. THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH!


        Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

        Good Afternoon Al.
        Looked in my Users Manual for my Philips Cineos 55PL9773 Monitor and could not find the Horizontal or Vertical Rates. I have sent an Email request to Philips to provide them. Heres hoping?? I looked in my manual and it shows the VGA input capable of NTSC 480P, 720P, 1080i and VGA+. I looked on the net, but could not find the applicable rates for this inputs. Hopefully you or someone else will know. I turned on my computer in recovery mode and followed your instructions. Under "Generic Monitor" there is a listing for Option "DPMS", HorizSync 28-51 and VertRefresh 43-60. I did not change anything, because I do not have the information to change. I just wanted you to know that I was able to follow your instructions and give you the current settings. Thanks again for your help.


          Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

          From the fact that your monitor works as an HDTV, you know that it will take a refresh rate of 50 or 60 Hz (depending on your location). I looked it up and it has 1280x720 pixels, but I couldn't find a horizontal sync rate. I must admit, that I don't know what the minimum sync rate standard is for VGA+ (which may just be a marketing term). I would be concerned about messing up a home theatre system without some real numbers from the manufacturers documentation.


            Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

            Good Afternoon Al>
            Because XANDROS did not have a video problem, I reinstalled it and got the data from the xorg.conf file. It had a HorizSync or 31.5-50. It had no VertRefresh rate. Therefore, I went to the Man Pages and looked at "xorg.conf" format requirements. There is no absolute requirement to enter this rate but if you don't the default values for VertRefresh are 43-72. I reinstalled Kubuntu (386) and revised "xorg.conf" with these values per your instructions. I continue to have the problem. The graphics are fine with boot until it is supposed to present the window to sign in. What I don't understand is why is the GUI good throughout the installation, but when it goes to sign on the first time, all of the window is pasted to the top 1 inch of the screen? Hopefully, you will know what drives the window to the top. Why does XANDROS graphics work, but Kubunto doesn't. I really want to use Kubuntu on this new machine. Again, thanks for all of your help.


              Re: Live and Install will not boot after installation

              Good Afternoon again Al.
              Just wanted you to know that I found the answer in the Installation and Boot/Problem with Kubuntu Install. The answer is to change the Driver = "vesa" vice "nv". Thanks again for all your help.

