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Can't install anything downloaded with the KDE tools...(SOLVED!)

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    Can't install anything downloaded with the KDE tools...(SOLVED!)

    My computer is an iMac, specifically this model, only with 256MB of VRAM instead of 128MB. I dualboot it with Kubuntu version 7.10.

    However, whenever I try to download something using the system tools, such as adept, I get this message:

    Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude).
    Would you like to attempt to resolve this problem? No will enter read-only mode and Cancel to quit and resolve this issue yourself.

    Yes No Cancel
    If I choose Yes, the installer crashes. If I choose No, the components will download in a read-only mode. If I choose Cancel, nothing happens. So when I choose no, and everything downloads and is ready to install, I get this message:

    There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.
    After that, the components fail to install. Can anybody tell me what is going on, please?

    Re: Can't install anything downloaded with the KDE tools...

    Meh -- there must something in the air ....

    Do the things recommended here:

    and it should be fixed.


      Re: Can't install anything downloaded with the KDE tools...

      Thanks! That did the trick!

