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Export a movie from kino to CD or DVD

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    Export a movie from kino to CD or DVD

    My wife wants me to capture a movie from a camcorder and put it on to something for someone to view. And she wants it done tonight! :-)

    I used kino to capture the movie and it created 12 .dv files. What is the quickest way to get these files to a format that someone can view either on a computer or a tv. It doesn't matter which. She is a teacher and they made a movie for a young boy who will be out for a week or two. She wants to give the movie to the parents so the boy can watch it on the computer or the tv.


    Re: Export a movie from kino to CD or DVD

    I have successfully used a program called DeVeDe to convert files to an iso that could then be installed on a Dvd using K3B. Might work for you. It's in the repositories.

