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Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux

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    Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux


    I'm wanting to install Kubuntu onto a spare laptop currently runninc Win Xp.

    I have downloaded the ISO and burnt it to DVD. When I boot from the DVD on my laptop, it goes through to the Kubuntu startup (the screen with the blue bar comes up) and after a while it comes up with the loading text and gets to the line ubuntu@ubuntu and just stops.

    I saw a video showing this bit going straight into Kubuntu.

    Have I missed something? I am completely new to Linux so any help would be much appreciated.

    Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux

    Which ISO did you use? You may want to try the live CD version. It boots from the CD and allows you to use the OS without installing anything. Then when you are ready you can either click on the "install" icon or reboot back into XP.


      Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux

      Yes, what The_Geek said, and observe this protocol:


        Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux


        Its actually the live cd I've tried and that doesnt work either.

        I did manage to use the same cd fine on my pc.


          Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux

          OK, for starters, when you have the initial menu on the Live CD, press F4, and choose "Safe Graphics" mode. If that also does not work, then reboot it, and next time, first press F4 and choose "Safe Graphics", and then press F6 and disable all three of the power management features there. Those things can be enabled in a full installation, but may be impediments to running the Live CD.


            Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux


            Tried all that, still nothing. Any other ideas


              Re: Installing Kubuntu, New to Linux

              It's been awhile since I explored all the options on the Live CD. I think you're video is hanging up on the GUI splash. If you can find a place to enter a boot option, you might try "vga=791" for starters -- that is a probably a lower resolution than your video is trying to default to, and might allow it to display the splash.

              If you're seeing a text prompt :ubuntu@ubuntu$" then that's the Command Line Interface (CLI) and you can log on there. I forget what the Live CD demo user's name is -- maybe "demo" or something like that? If you can log in, then run
              sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
              that will allow you to configure a VESA display. Choose "no" to the "autodetect" question, and then choose "vesa" as the display type, and then accept defaults until you get to the monitor section. There you can choose just one resolution that is comfortable -- 1280x1024, maybe. At the end, it dumps you back to the CLI and there you can enter
              and it should provide a decent GUI for you.

