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Onboard ftw! flash sound alsa/oss debian?

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    Onboard ftw! flash sound alsa/oss debian?

    I have started and read so many different threads regarding problems w/ ubuntu and flash sound.

    I just want something that works! I don't know if it's this hardware configuration but I can't get it working.

    I'm using the same mobo, w/ a diff cpu. I had sound working w/ out any need to do anything but install flash and amarok enabled mp3 support a few installs back. Unfortunately I tried some different distros and haven't had sound since.

    I currently removed the sound card, have onboard turned off and using usb 2.1 spkrs. mp3, flac etc work from stand alone players but no sound from any website at all.

    Have swift weasel and firefox w/ gutsy.

    Would a different non-buntu distro be better for me? Or can any one recommend what I might be doing wrong?

    Thanks for any help

    Very frustrated w/ buntu's

    [img width=400 height=138][/img]

    Re: flash sound alsa/oss debian?

    ^^ So the only recommendation I've gotten is arch, can anyone confirm that it's a debian problem and not just a *nix problem? I'm wondering if this hw is just plagued.
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: flash sound alsa/oss debian?

      Not sure what your hardware is, but it's fairly typical that folks who add a sound card to a mobo that has an integrated sound system have some difficulties. You have to turn the onboard sound off in BIOS (assuming that is possible), plus configure your sound driver for the add-on card. The best guidance is here:

      So, it sounds like your present difficulty (with the add-on card removed) is limited to flash in the browser, which means you do have a functional sound system and appropriate driver installed. That means there is NOT a hardware problem with playing sounds. Flash is a browser plugin, written by Adobe in 32-bit architecture only. But, for 64-bit *buntu, there are two packages that should enable it for you:


      So, if you install those packages and then launch Firefox or Konqueror, you should be able to see flash on web sites. If not, it is some issue with your browser and the plugins, and probably not related to your sound hardware system.


        Re: flash sound alsa/oss debian?

        Thanks Dibl, yeah, I've read lord raidens guide no luck there, I do have sound w/ mp3 playbackand ogg/flac it's just from all websites. The onboard sound is off and the current config is usb spkrs. I tried gnash a couple days ago after reading one of your posts, I don't think I have it in this install,

        I'm not sure but I think I've read gnash will crash, can I have both nonfree and gnash at the same time?
        [img width=400 height=138][/img]


          Re: flash sound alsa/oss debian?

          Yep, I've got both flashplugin-nonfree and gnash and gnash-common installed at the moment. It all works fine.

          Of course with 64-bit, there are some places that you'll never play, like and -- those are proprietary 32-bit players and you're simply not going to play them with the 64-bit browser. But I can watch CNN, ABC, BBC, and Foxnews, as well as Youtube and regular flash sites.


            Re: Onboard ftw! flash sound alsa/oss debian?

            I finally got around to trying something I thought of late last night. I rebooted, turned on the onboad, unplugged the usb spkrs and plugged headphones into the onboard. I have web sound!

            I'll be buying some cheap pc speakers w/ mini headphone jack, after all this is the kids pc, all I care is I finally got sound!

            + I ran gparted during the reboot and resized the partitions the way I wanted.

            Thanks for your patience along the way.
            [img width=400 height=138][/img]

