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install with separate /home

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    install with separate /home

    I am in a dual boot, win2000 and 7.04 and 7.04 is corrupted. I have backed up /home to a separate partition and want advice on installing 7.10 with separate /home. My partitions are as follows:
    /sda1 win2000
    /sda2 NTFS data
    /sda3 corrupted Feisty install
    /sda4 extended
    /sda5 swap
    /sda6 ext3 data
    /sda7 ext3 containing /root and/etc backups
    /sda8 ext3 containing /home backup
    I am unhappy that I put /home in /sda8 rather than /sda6 but this could possibly be changed later. Could anyone give suggestions on Gutsy install, eventually giving me separate /home, and dealing with grub issues, editing of fstab, etc. Thanks.

    Re: install with separate /home

    Choose manual partitioning from the install app from the cd.

    It should recognise the partitions you already have.

    Choose to use sda3 and set it as / and format.

    /sda5 as swap and format (it will automatically)
    /sda6, use it as /data, do not format
    /sda7, use it as /backups, do not format
    /sda8 as /home, do not format

    Basically, only format the old root partition ( / ) and swap

    Ignore the ntfs stuff for the moment, can be added post install

    One point. It is better to put /swap at the very end of the drive. The platters will be going round faster under the heads and actual speed will will be improved.

    You could name sda6 /home and sda8 as /backups. Once the system is reinstalled, just copy all the stuff to sda6


      Re: install with separate /home

      Does your comment about /swap mean it should go in the position of /sda8?


        Re: install with separate /home

        Its only really necessary if you use swap a lot during operation, for example if you run a server that utilises it.(or run windows).

        If I were you and had sufficient extra storage space, I would back up all the stuff in the extended partition and alter the layout. I stress this is not needed and just what I would do. It takes some time to get the ideal layout you like and is generally down to the person.


          Re: install with separate /home

          Many thanks for that.

