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Problem 3 - KDE4

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    Problem 3 - KDE4

    I tried KDE4 on Gutsy and it works fine. The one feature I don't like is the K-window that opens when opening the program search (don't know the correct name). I really liked the way KDE3 opened and was wondering if there is a way to configure KDE4 to open in the same way, i.e with menus? I'm not sure I explained myself very well but hope I'm understood.

    Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

    I don't know the answer but I think I know what you mean.

    Basically the K-Menu in the bottom left (default location) of your screen, instead of how it is in KDE4 (click to slide catagory, click to run), you would like it to be how it is in KDE 3 (hover to open catagory, click to run.


      Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

      If you want the kde3 style kmenu open up the widgets panle (uper right hand) and choose klauncher (traditional) and drag/drop it to your panel.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

        Spikopath you described what I want better than I did. Thanks.
        Fintan, I didn't quite understand your instructions. Could you please elaborate.


          Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

          If you open up the widgets panel (upper right hand side of your screen in kde4, or right click on desktop and choose add widget) you will find two launchers. OIne is the traditional one (kde3 style) right click on that and dragb it to your panel. You will then have two launchers from which to choose. If you don't want the default you can right click and choose remove.
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

            Although I do like the style of KDE 4 (almost like a Mac/Vista fusion) I personally don't like its customisability, of which there isn't. The way that it behaves when you are trying to perform intuitive tasks e.g. dragging an applet to a panel, you can't without having to remove others, there is no move option.

            You probably won't like this but i don't undertstand why KDE can't take a leaf out of the Windows XP book, Quick Launch anyone?

            Sorry for the little rant, it ends here.


              Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

              Thanks all for the help. I think I'm now going to use only KDE4 now that I can make that change.


                Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

                Although I do like the style of KDE 4 (almost like a Mac/Vista fusion) I personally don't like its customisability, of which there isn't. The way that it behaves when you are trying to perform intuitive tasks e.g. dragging an applet to a panel, you can't without having to remove others, there is no move option.
                Patience is a virtue.
                KDE4 is only two months old and very far from finished. By the time 4.1 roles around (sometime this summer) you will probably find one of the, if not the most konfigurable DT around.

                @errol your welcome and enjoy
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

                  Only as an addition, I have found a menu system which I feel is better than both the KDE 3 and KDE 4 flavours.

                  It is called kbfx and you will find it within the adept package manager.

                  It is classed as a panel applet and can replace the K-Menu, very customisable too. It not only works with Kubuntu KDE3 and 4 it will also work with Gnome (not seen).

                  The only problem I find is that it doesn't work on a folder/shortcut based system, which I find rather bizzare, neither does KDE 3 & 4s Menu systems.

                  If you can list icons in a file manager like dolphin, why can't the same thing be implemented ina menu system?


                    Re: Problem 3 - KDE4

                    kbfx - NICE!

