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how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

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    how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

    For security reasons, I want to remove the 'failsafe' feature of my Kubuntu to prevent others gain access on my PC whenever I'm not around. Can anyone teach me how to..?
    I also want to know how to know who's connected on my PC.

    Re: how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

    Originally posted by jesar_gacula
    For security reasons, I want to remove the 'failsafe' feature of my Kubuntu to prevent others gain access on my PC whenever I'm not around. Can anyone teach me how to..?
    1. Open /boot/grub/menu.lst for editing
    kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
    2. Change line:
    # alternative=true to # alternative=false
    3. Save
    4. Run command:
    sudo update-grub
    Note that this does not prevent local users to gain root access to your machine, if you wish to prevent others gaining root access, you should also set a grub password (to prevent editing boot options), disable booting from external media (to prevent running live CDs), set a bios password (to prevent changing boot media), and to lock down your computer (to prevent resetting BIOS and/or removal of disks).

    I also want to know how to know who's connected on my PC.
    Commands 'w' and 'who' should help.


      Re: how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

      dude, everytime i enter...
      root@jesar:~#kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
      i always encounter this message...
      Xlib: connection to "0.0" refused by server
      Xlib: No protocol specified

      kate: cannot connect to X server: 0.0

      what am i suppose to do now...?


        Re: how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

        I recall seeing that "kate: cannot connect to X server: 0.0" error discussed on this Forum -- probably if you search for it, you can find out how to fix that.

        However, back to your task at hand. You can open the Konsole and use the nano editor to make the change that Kubicle described.

        sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
        The nano editor isn't as pretty as Kate, but just cursor down to the row you want, observe the little menu at the bottom of the editor, make your change, then Ctrl-O and Enter to save it, Ctrl-X and Enter to exit.

        Then do
        sudo update-grub
        and you should be good to go.


          Re: how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

          it worked! thanks a lot dude! thanks a lot everyone!


            Re: how to remove 'failsafe' in kubuntu

            Originally posted by jesar_gacula
            dude, everytime i enter...
            root@jesar:~#kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
            i always encounter this message...
            Xlib: connection to "0.0" refused by server
            Xlib: No protocol specified

            kate: cannot connect to X server: 0.0
            You can use 'kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst' as a regular (admin) user.

            If you're running a root terminal (with 'su') the 'simplest' way to allow connections to the X-server is to install and use 'sux' instead of 'su'

            Of course you can use nano (or another CLI editor) as dibl suggested.

