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frustrated again

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    frustrated again

    Hi guys, I am not sure if I am in the right thread, sorry in advance.

    OK I have 2 problems.

    I have tried to make the live CD of Kubuntu work on my laptop (currently running PCLinuxOS even got the acpi to work with the new kernel). when I launch the live CD, the process freeze at some point saying "Saving VESA state" and then nothing.....
    not a big issue since PCLinux works very well without problems. i was just curious to see how Kubuntu works....

    Second problem, I am running the liveCD on a older desktop (loaded perfectly well this time).... only problem, I can't get the network to work. Wireless shows my home network, with a 75% strenght but when I click on it, it just won;t connect....
    Is there any trick that I missed ?

    Obviously I consider myself a computer ignorant (mostly and I am very new to this Linux thing....)

    I know from reading the forums that you guys like to have tons of informations on the systems, but I am at work right now (shame on me) and don't have access to it now....

    thanks for your help if any