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very very slow network response

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    very very slow network response

    Hi guys, having finaly got samba working i have uncovered a more fundamental issue with my network. My respons times are really shocking to and from my kubuntu machine. The rest of my network (all windows atm) runs smooth as silk both wired and wireless but I cant seem to get my linux one up to speed. (its pinging at 500+ms to another wired pc over LAN).

    I have checked all the basics and cant see anything wrong with the ip config (im on a staticaly assgned ip in a small workgroup) I have also checked the network speed it had configured (100fullduplex). The only thing I am not sure about is the broadcast ip. Is there any reason this should be different from my actual IP? What is it? I currently have it set as the default ( where my actual ip is

    Is there anything specific I have to do to get the network running faster? I am really not sure what could be causing the slowdown, its definatly not hardware as this is a dual boot machine and when I go through Xp i have no problems streaming video across the LAN.

    as always help would be very appreciated

    Re: very very slow network response

    Wild guess here (I'm no networking guru!). Did you disable IPv6? I believe that can be a problem on some networks. Search the forums to find out how to disable it.

