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Simple Questions

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    Simple Questions

    Hello guys, I had certain questions I wanted to ask which I could not find online.

    1. What is the benefit of applications made for KDE? Eg. what is the difference between KOffice and OpenOffice.
    Are the KDE applications faster or something?

    2. I find that the readability in Firefox/Konquerer is far less in KDE than GNOME. Everything seems so small in its default condition and jaggy. Does anyone else feel this? Is there any solution aside from going to configure each application?
    I like the default Sans Serrif with size 9, but in web browsers, it doesn't use that

    3. I have a network drive which is Windows based. I currently only have a link that goes to it. However, is it possible to "mount" it?
    For example, at the moment to get to it, I do the following. smb://
    Is there anyway to make it like a real drive, like Windows and its network drive mapping?

    Thank you for your help in advance.

    Re: Simple Questions

    Originally posted by EarlyJaculator
    smb:// [...] Is there anyway to make it like a real drive
    Create a mount point:

    sudo mkdir /media/share
    sudo chmod 777 /media/share
    Mount the share to it:

    sudo mount -t smbfs -o [options] //[share] /media/share
    The options are "a matter of taste" (in parts at least) - my favourites are:

    Once this worked for you, adding an according line to /etc/fstab to "automatize" things could be the next step (as well as, for example, a little script to let you "mount on click" the share .... but I'm digressing ...).


      Re: Simple Questions

      1. What is the benefit of applications made for KDE? Eg. what is the difference between KOffice and OpenOffice.
      Are the KDE applications faster or something?
      KOffice home:
      KOffice is a free, integrated office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment.
      OpenOffice Home: is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project.
      Applications made for KDE:
      + they have KDE look

      OpenOffice benefits:
      + If you are using Ms Windows and Linux then you can use same office in both operating systems.

      There is also KDE for windows

      KDE on Windows?

      KDE for Windows: Installation made easy!

      2. I find that the readability in Firefox/Konquerer is far less in KDE than GNOME. Everything seems so small in its default condition and jaggy. Does anyone else feel this? Is there any solution aside from going to configure each application?
      Hmm - i have noticed this also (with feisty). Those default settings -> Configure and configure.
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Simple Questions

        Thank you guys very much for your help.
        I got to mount it manually.
        However, when i was looking in fstab, I did not understand how to make it automatized.
        Nor could I find information on gid, and uid in the manual.
        Could you please give a reference or some explanation to these two?

        Relating to KDE programs:
        So do KDE specific programs run faster?
        Just having a KDE look.... doesn't seem like anything significant hehe

        Thank you for your help in advance.


          Re: Simple Questions

          Originally posted by EarlyJaculator
          However, when i was looking in fstab, I did not understand how to make it automatized.
          Nor could I find information on gid, and uid in the manual.
          UID = User ID; GID = (Main) Group ID ... as user, issue id to a console and you'll get the idea

          As for the "fstab" entry: show me the command (in it's exact wording) you're using to mount the share manually, and I'll show you how to update the "fstab" accordingly (since it's by far easier to exemplify than to explain in theory ...).


            Re: Simple Questions

            sudo mount -t smbfs -o ro // /media/share

            Thank you for your help

            P.S. I like your signature


              Re: Simple Questions

              Originally posted by EarlyJaculator
              sudo mount -t smbfs -o ro // /media/share
              In this case, adding the following code to /etc/fstab ought to suffice:

              // /media/share smbfs ro 0 0
              In addition to that, but depending on your environment, you may want to add "auto-mounting" and/or user data to the options - for comparison, my according entry looks as follows (in one line, of course):

              //FREYJA/myDesk  /home/birdy/Desktop/myDesk smbfs
               user,rw,username=birdy,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
              Please, do not forget to check your editions prior to rebooting, e.g. by issuing mount /media/share or the like (!).

              Further reading:


