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How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

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    How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

    As someone who's run Linux servers for years but is just now trying it out on the desktop, I'm confused about how to run a Gnome application (solfege) in Kubuntu ... I installed it using Adept, but now I don't know where to look for it or how to use it ....

    Any and all help appreciated, including "RTFM" if you'll just tell me where to read. :-)

    Oh, and I'm using Feisty Fawn, if that's relevant to my question.


    Re: How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

    If you already installed the application click on the K (menu) and then click on run command, there type the name of the application if you don't see it on the general menu


    Beware the Almighty Command Line


      Re: How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

      I have a related question. I have used the run command to open programs that do not appear in my programs menu....but... how do I put a short cut for the program in my menu. Also sometimes when I have downloaded something with adept it says installed but isn't found even with using the run command. I'm running edgy.

      Thanks tons to anyone who can help



        Re: How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

        One way: from Konqueror, "drag & drop" the binary (or script) in charge to the panel, fill in the form poping up as a result, and enjoy 8)


          Re: How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

          Another way is to right-click on the k-menu item and choosing 'Menu Editor'


            Re: How do I run a Gnome app in Kubuntu?

            ... or to right-klick on the panel, choose "Add Application To Panel" and proceed as requested

