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Super weird issue with Android Emulator

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    Super weird issue with Android Emulator

    Kubunut 24.04, Android SDK is up to date.

    This is a really bizarre issue.. When I start the Android Emulator, I lose the ability to stream video (and possibly even audio streams) on the host machine. This happens with at least youtube and paramount. The emulator seems to work fine, although I have never tested playing a youtube video on the emulator. Sometimes it will take a minute or two after the emulator has started for videos to quit streaming, but if I leave them buffering, I can stop the emulator and they will immediately start working again.

    I've checked to make sure the mac addresses of my machine and the emulators are not the same, the IPs are all different as well. I had LXD installed for a while to do some stuff with Windows, but I removed that yesterday just to see if that was it (it wasn't.)

    If I open chrome dev tools while this is happening, the streaming requests all say (blocked: Other).

    Any ideas on what to check to try to track this down?

    Also - I was on a teams meeting, and when I started the emulator, everyone on the call sounded broken up and robotic, and they could no longer hear me.​

    It seems I found the problem... In your AVD folder for the your emulator image, find config.ini and make sure these two lines say no, not yes:
    hw.audioInput = no
    hw.audioOutput = no​

